
What is the best career move for an adult with Asperger's?

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Please read my question first, and the Best Answer, which is excellent relating to employment:

Now where is the best place to find this enlightened employer, who can best exploit the Adjusted Asperger's talents and not be put off by the shortcomings?




  1. Hi it would be well worth your contacting the National Autistic Society who have a service called 'Prospects' where they help Adults with Aspergers to gain and to keep employment.

  2. That was a hugely interesting read.

    As for your current dilemma..I reckon first and foremost an employer gives not one stuff if people have needs, quirks or conditions. They just need to know they can do the job and meet targets/make money.

    You use the word 'exploit' and I think thats relevant to your question. The various positive or negative traits of Aspergers could indeed be beneficial to a great many employers. In a very simplistic way a person with AS who as you word it is not 'socially adjusted' would find repetitiveness of certain tasks something to relish. I've known a fair few post openers with AS in my time.

    As for the other side of the coin and someone with AS who has been able to intellectualise the varying social demands of the workplace I am far less certain, but I do wholeheartedly agree that this is a somewhat 'untapped' resource within the workplace.

    So Elmbeard I am heartily sorry I have no clue and am unable to give you an answer..I would need a couple of weeks to mull it over! You have given something to think of on a subject close to my heart x

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