
What is the best chat app for a mac that uses iSight and allows you to webcam with 2 windows users?

by Guest61028  |  earlier

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and by webcam with 2 windows users, I mean at the same time.




  1. lets you use your webcam with other PC webcams.

    But u cant use all the effects.

  2. Use iChat, but set up an AIM account on it. when you click on the iChat icon, it will log you into AIM (it looks better on iChat)

    There will be a video button next to names you can video chat with, and windows users can talk through their AIM accounts.

    Now if you wanted to talk to them at the same time... I'm not sure if that would work, but this is a good temporary solution!

  3. honestly i use just MSN. They work best for me and i have an macbook. or you can use a site called its free and you can have a ton of ppl in one room, and all on cam. you can also password protect the room so only your friends can get in.

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