
What is the best cheap cleaning service?

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okay so my friend is visiting from a different state, and i want the house to look SPOTLESS. right now it's pretty messy. i live in a suburb off chicago. i need a cleaning service that is cheap, and possibly tell me if theres coupons for them. please also tell me about how much they cost. i know they give you an estimate mostly, but just i need someone with experience. i dont want to hire them like every week like molly maids, just this once.




  1. While searching for the right maid service, start taking the stress level down by trying out Flylady's "Crisis Cleaning 101 Plan."  If you have any "picking up" to do before the deep cleaning begins, this is an IDEAL way to start, since it addresses this issue as part of the steps.

    And check out how easy it is to keep your house "company ready" all the time - don't you deserve to be treated like company, too?  Here's a link to the table of contents to some of the riches on her site...

    I've been enrolled in her FREE email service for a long time and I've really enjoyed the benefits of a much more "guest ready" home for a long time, and have made wonderful strides in decluttering and simplifying as well.

  2. Most cleaning services will do a one time cleaning, however, you get what you pay for when it comes to housecleaning. Look for ads in your local paper for coupons and flyers. Try asking some of your friends if they know of any cleaning services or house cleaners. A personal recommendation is way better. Also, you can look in the classified ads in your paper. Good luck!

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