
What is the best choice for hemorrhoids cures?

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What is the best choice for hemorrhoids cures?




  1. witchhazel cooled and on a cotton ball, clean area thouroghly.  use fiber to soften bm. don't push when relieving yourself.

  2. Rue Care Oil - it stops bleeding (if any), shrinks the hemorrhoids and strengthens the veins. Additional to treat the hemorrhoid need also to treat the cause of it.

  3. The only cure is surgical removal. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the r****m. You can get relieve and shrink them some from hemorrhoid creams and or pads and or suppositories. My husband uses Preparation H cream at bed time and the pads during the day. He has not had to use anything for over 3 years

  4. surgical removal.  nothing else helps sustainably.

  5. fresh fruit and salad diet, apples,bananas, 30 days and be gone...

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