
What is the best city in Canada ?? except toronto and vancouver?

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i will travel to canada next summer for 6 months??

i need to know the most beautiful city in canada

and the population talk in english





  1. Lake Louise, AB: very hard to put into words just how amazing this place is.  Google it and you'll know what I mean.

    Quebec City, PQ: lovely, cobblestone streets and great restaurants and shopping

    Montreal, PQ:  Great city--very multicultural yet cosmopolitan.  Toronto, Montreal & Vancouver are the main 'hubs' in Canada.

    Anywhere on Prince Edward Island--so beautiful, especially in the summer.

  2. i think prince edward Islands  or New foundland

  3. Omeemee Ontario! It is beautiful

  4. Got to be Halifax, for any number of reasons.

  5. well victoria, halifax, Montreal, trust me you will get by in Montreal with English.

    Guelph, Ottawa (both in Ontario)

  6. I love all of the Maritimes, especially Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Quebec City is a must see; Ottawa is gorgeous; and the whole Banff/Lake Louise area in Alberta.

  7. Ottawa. Lots of festivals in the summer and historic buildings for site seeing. People SPEAK English but few who learned it and use it at work, and most who come over the border from Gatineau speak French, plus other languages too as the population is very diverse.

  8. Calgary and Edmonton

  9. if you want a party city, you would like Montreal

    if you want to visit something that is very "natury" visit Halifax, Newfoundland, Newbrunswick

    oh and there are the prairies

  10. I really like St. John's, Newfoundland. Other than depends what you define as beautiful. Charlottetown, PEI is very nice. These are pretty small cities though.

    Ottawa is cool.

    Quebec city would actually be my first pick, but the population is mostly French.

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