
What is the best city in France to Live? Calling all France Experts!?

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My Mother would like to move to France.

She is almost 70 and looking for a "village" or neighborhood in a city which she can walk to the market, cleaners, bank, or just to smell the flowers!

Here are some other words to describe what she wants:

* Quaint

* Old World Charm but with Modern Convenience

* Village atmosphere / charming

* Of course safe

* Accessible to major airport to fly back to the USA

* She would not drive

* Good Weather as she has developed some arthritis

* Good Medical access, just in case

* Local Feel

* Ocean is good but not required

Now the hard part! She wants me to come with her! Yikes! Single, living and loving NYC and all that "the city" offers! I might die a slow death in a "village". Is there a happy in between where she can have her "village" feel and I can have my "city" feel and keep enjoying being single?




  1. Joey said it: Aix-en-Provence seems to be the place for both your mother and you. My old aunt still lives in Aix and I love going there to visit. I think it is a great place for an old person to retire, and an equally great place to live an exciting life as a young person too..

  2. dont go to france

  3. Man, I'm so jealous!  I love France.  Aix en Provence sounds like it could be a good fit.  Great weather, beautiful village feel, but large enough town that you won't feel stifled, and close to Nice for an urban fix, the ocean and airport.  Close enough to catch the fast train to Paris in Avignon too (about a 3 hour train ride).

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