
What is the best city in Italy for New Year's Eve 2006-2007?

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I will be with my parents who do not drink alcohol, but we would like to enjoy the street and night life. Also, how cold will it be at that time? Thanks!




  1. Rome, you do need a coat.

  2. In Rome every year there is a concert in the square...anyway I prefer Florence!

  3. venice

  4. First of all the temperature is very depending also on the city where you'll decide to go (after reading our answers...?!!).-

    Generally northern Italy is colder as Centre and South but at 2 months distance it's impossible to be fore casted.

    You'll need for sure to be well covered as this is the coldest period of the year in Italy.

    My suggestion would be to chose either any big town (Milan,Rome) or touristic cities (Venice,Florence) but if you want to enjoy the streets and the night life you need to go to NAPLES.

    Over there you'll assist to the most amazing spectacle with full of people going crazy just because the new year is arriving.

    You'll never forget fireworks (very famous is the Piedigrotta area ,still in Naples), but all the city is spreading joy of life.

    Also the temperature will be not so cold as in the above other cities (but still wear a coat ....).

    Just be careful, don't wear costly habits or jewelry,watches,etc.

    Behave as a normal person and nobody will bother you.

    Have a nice staying in Italy (and in Naples).

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