
What is the best city in Spain for an American to look for a job?

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What is the best city in Spain for an American to look for a job?




  1. It all depends on the profession you have...

    Your best bet are the big cities Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia and Seville (in that order in descending size)

    The Costa del Sol is a bit saturated right now... Almería and Huelva provinces in Andalucia are on the rise.

    As I said at the beginning it depends on what work you are looking for. If you can, edit your question and specify your job needs.

  2. Very difficult to get a legal job in Spain if you aren't citizenof an EEC member country. The law establishes severe penalties for those working or staying illegally in Spain. The Spanish government may deport any foreigner found living or working in Spain with out a proper permit. It may also detain such a person pending deportation orders from the office of the Civil Governor.

    Better do some more research

  3. The Capital would be great, but you'd have more freedom in Barcelona, if you don't mind the Catalan language. Barcelona has better weather, and being on the water - has just so many possiblities for work and for enjoyment.  The people are nice just sometimes they refuse to speak to you in Spanish.....That can be confusing for those who think they are in Spain.  Job wise it's a better bet.

    Madrid has extreme temperatures!  What I will say about Madrid is, that you don't have to get yourself in volved with separatists and their angry views.  I think they are nicer and easier to get along with there in the capital.

  4. In the Capital or main tourist spots.

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