
What is the best city to live in besides Toronto? I currently live in Florida, USA and I want 2 move 2 Canada?

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I am tired of being ripped off by living in America with these d**n gas prices. It is $3.60 to $3.80 pre gallon. In Toronto Canada you guys are paying $1.20 per gallon since you guys have oil fields. I am ready to move. I want to buy my dream truck an (H1 Hummer) and enjoy my life without going through a crisis. I just want to be happy and not get ripped off by my country. I know there has to be a better place to live than the USA. So will someone tell me about the best places to live in Canada other than Toronto? Let me also know a little something about buying homes in the $500k to 1,000,000 dollar range.




  1. Thatgas price is per liter  We are metric in Canada

  2. Gas is actually far less expensive everywhere in the mainland states that I have visited. I live in Montreal and gas prices here are similar to Toronto, but as the other person mentioned, this is per litre as opposed to gallon. One gallon is 3.79 litres approximately so it's about $4.50 per gallon here. Gas prices are a ridiculous reason to move countries, especially if you're this misinformed about cost of living here. In almost all respects (safe for healthcare and education, I'd say) it's much less expensive in the USA.

    However, to answer your question, Montreal is a wonderful, metropolitan city. The more I travel, the more I adore this city.

  3. You are wrong about gas prices in Canada. That price is per litre.

    1 litre =0.264 gallons

  4. boo, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    a hummer wastes so much gas and pollutes so much!

    if thats what you wanna drive then go join the army, bud.

    as for the gas prices, they,re so much more expensive here so get your facts straight.

    anyways, if you still want to move to canada, i agree with the person who said montreal. it is a great city.

  5. You won't have much trouble finding a house in Canada in that price range though you'll do best in smaller places for price. Go to to check what you''ll pay in different areas. But don't move here for cheap gas--- you'll pay more for gas here. It's running close to $1.30 a litre in many places these days. We also measure road distances in kilometeres and temperatures in Celsius so don't let distances and weather reports fool you. The weather network lets you convert the temperatures in its reports.

  6. You're under an unfortunate misapprehension here. Canadian prices are per litre (of which there are roughly 4 per gallon). So multiply that Toronto price by four .... Canadians are paying right now about 5 dollars per gallon on average. The price in the US is under a dollar a litre, and oh, how we long for those days .... The lowest gas price in Canada is nowhere near what you're currently paying.

    The only good the oilfields are doing us is making a couple of provinces filthy stinking rich and filling the federal coffers with tax money. But we're getting boned up the derriere with gas prices same as you guys down south.

    Now, of course, there are reasons why it's worth putting up with our even higher gas prices, if you're still interested. Universal healthcare (paid for out of your tax dollars), lower costs for university education (as the schools are subsidised out of your tax dollars), and friendly people (who contribute their salaries to the taxman). Politically speaking, we're not getting ripped off by our country, though. We're not paying the trillions of dollars that the Iraq war is running up and we don't have nearly as much violent crime as the US.

    I'd tell you to move to Atlantic Canada. (I include that in practically every post I make to potential immigrants ... one man on a mission to repopulate Canada's east coast.) It's a nice safe place to live, and you don't have to worry about crime. Plus, a million bucks will buy you the home of your dreams on Prince Edward Island.

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