
What is the best civilization on the globe(i will respect your answer)?

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What is the best civilization on the globe(i will respect your answer)?




  1. Tell you the truth, hardly you can find any decent civilization.

    But here is a civilization, the Vedic civilization, that is being based on spiritual understanding.

    In every civilized human society there is some set of scriptural rules and regulations which is followed from the beginning. Especially among the Äryans, those who adopt the Vedic civilization and who are known as the most advanced civilized peoples.

  2. The most peaceful, healthy civilizations  on the globe have always been maritime seafarers.  Because of their proximity to fish and usually fertile lands, these civilizations would eat nuts, berries, legumes, fish, and eventually grains.

    If they were threatened by another civilization, they could usually sail off to avoid conflict.  So, based on these things - they get my vote for being the "best" civilization.

  3. different people at different times, although like the person above i do not think i can give a fair answer to this question. you see, whether or not a people had a civilization depended on situations beyond their control...if they could settle in a fertile land where they could easily grow crops and access water from a river, then they could start thinking about other things (art, literature, etc). but until then the only thing that is important is the survival of the community.


    but some great civilizations include:

    - indus river valley in ancient times

    - ancient egypt

    - ancient mesopotamia

    - the incan empire

    - the roman empire

    - the persian empire

    - mayan civilization

    and the list goes on...

  4. well i don't think it is fair to answer this question, just due to the fact that of course people are going to be biased to the place they live. basically everyone was brought up differently, with different backgrounds, laws, cultures, and religions. who can say who the best civilization is, we are all used to the environment we grew up in and think others to be weird because we are not used to the way things are. All civilizations have good and bad things going on. It's not really fair to pick the "best", because they all have their imperfections.

  5. honestly I don't think any of them are all that great. there may be some country doing amazing things by feeding and clothing and giving medical care to EVERY citizen there but I really doubt it. I believ thatmost nations are too worried about a few of the people while the masses toil and suffer to try to survive.  Nope I can't see as there being a "best" out there right now

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