
What is the best cleaner to use to clean litter boxes?

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I've tried vinegar, baking soda, I used to use bleach but someone told me that isn't healthy for them and will sometimes deter them from the box.

Any suggestions?




  1. Vinegar & baking soda, along with HOT water is what I use. These are the least toxic options for your cat(s) and not detrimental to the environment. I am also using the Feline Pine kitty litter which cleans up easily this way. However, if you are using a clumping litter, you might try soaking the pan in HOT water for a few minutes, dumping, then using a vinegar/baking soda paste as a scrub.

  2. First off, do not use bleach, urine has ammonia in it and can lead to fatal fumes if mixed with bleach.  Do not use Pine-sol, pine can be deadly to cats. The best way to clean a litter pan is with a solution of half water and half apple cider vinegar. Make this solution in a spay bottle, it works not only for litter pans, but the occasional "oops" clean up, and it removes the odor completely. You must also empty or scoop pans daily, and the pans need to be replaced every 3-6 months. If you still have a heavy odor, have your cats seen by the vet to determine if there are any urinary issues with the cats themselves.

    We used to raise show cats, Persians and Bombays, and we would normally have 40 to 60 cats/kittens at any given time. No one visiting ever knew we had cats until shown the cattery.

    Spike-Dawn is deadly to your cats, do not use as shampoo.

    Empty, spray, wipe, rinse-that easy.

  3. I use Dawn Antibacterial dish washing detergent and then rinse well with very hot water. The boxes quickly come clean and no lingering scent that is annoying to cats.  You have to be careful with household cleaners, many contain chemicals that are harmful to cats.

    My vet recommended Dawn and I've been pleased with the results.  And, the cats are just fine with it too!

    Good Luck!

    Note:  I do let it sit for a few minutes and it breaks up any residue let in the box after the litter has been dumped.  I scrub the box with a bush you would use for cleaning floors and then a good rinse.

    One person mentioned that Dawn is deadly to cats and this is the first I have ever heard of this.  I just did a google search on this and only came up with results indicating that Dawn was safe for pets.  Highly recommended by breeders and vets.  Here's a veterinary link recommending Dawn as a shampoo

    And, in a pinch it makes a great shampoo for humans!

  4. i use 409 multipurpose cleaner,with no bleach in it .but the best way is to use a litter box bag,all you have to do is pull the strings,tie it up and throw it mess and no cleaning.  

  5. I have always just used a small amount of bleach and dish-washing detergent like dawn.  I rinse really well, dry it with some paper towels, let it air dry a bit more and put a cat box liner in it and that's it.  You don't need but a little bit of bleach to disinfect it.  I have cleaned my litter boxes like this for years and years and I have never had a problem with my cats.  Wish I had something else for you.  Sorry.

    I do use the liners in the litter box...

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