
What is the best club to go to in toronto?

by  |  earlier

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Celebrating i was wondering. I love hip hop and a big place with a crowd in their 20s...not too old and a lot of people!




  1. i had my birthday at next level which is in the docks. it was incredible. i cant remember what music they played but all i remember is it was a good time and one of the nicest clubs ive been to. if your into hip hop im not sure... you wont get such a good crowd in my opinion.

    Lot 332, mink, MUSIK ( if your a balller)

  2. Circa is a ton of fun,

    mink and lot 332 are also really good.

  3. Afterlife

  4. i always go on to find out the best places to go to in Toronto. it will inform you of the bar/nightclub hours, location and special events. also gave me concert, long weekend events and festival information.

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