
What is the best collage in zoology or wildlife biology?

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What is the best collage in zoology or wildlife biology?




  1. University of Florida.

  2. santa fe com. college and moor park almost guaranteed jobs when your done, many many success stories.

    nc state also has a good zoology program

  3. There are a lot of colleges and universities that offer majors in zoology and wildlife biology.  The "best" college would differ depending on who you ask - I would put more weight on what professionals state as the best instead of news releases for "America's Top Colleges."  You will also want to consider other factors - like how big a university you want to attend, whether or not you want to be close to home (or pay out-of-state fees), etc.

    You might also want to decide which one you want to pursue.  They are very similar, but zoology is more of a hard science (like biology, chemistry, physics) where wildlife biology is more of an applied science (like ecology, medicine, engineering) so there is a bigger focus on the human dimension.  Many of the core classes will be the same for both majors (lots of biology, ecology, chemistry, math).  Some schools offer both majors, but will be stronger in one.

    My degree is in wildlife biology, and my personal opinion is that schools that have wildlife biology included with natural resources tend to be a little stronger than schools who include it with the basic sciences (but that does not mean that schools who have it with natural sciences are weak).  On the flip side, zoology belongs with the basic sciences.  I am sure there are lots of people who disagree with that - so you will need to decide for yourself.

    I personally think these schools have strong wildlife biology programs:

    Colorado State University, Warner College of Natural Resources

    University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources

    Some others that offer wildlife biology (or at least did when I went to school):

    University of Montana

    University of Michigan-Flint

    University of Arizona

    Baker University

    Northern Arizona University

    Kansas State University

    University of Wyoming

    University of North Dakota

    In no way is this an exhaustive list - but it should give you a starting point.  Good Luck!

  4. You can probably make a pretty good wildlife collage using photos from National Geographic magazines.

  5. I'm assuming that you mean for undergraduate work. It doesn't matter all that much. You will learn most of what you need to know on the job. If you plan to go on for graduate work, the school becomes much more important, although, your major professor would be more important than the school.

    Start reading the scientific journals in your field of interest. When you find an article that is of particular interest, note whether the author is affiliated with a university or college. Put that school on your short list. You might want to write to the author for a copy (reprint) of the paper. If you get no response, remove the school from your short list.  

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