
What is the best college pet?

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I'm going to college in 3 years and i definitely want to have a pet. I live in Alabama, and i think i may be going to Auburn, and I will be living in a dorm probably just for freshman year, then i'll get an apartment. I'm not sure if they allow pets, but have any of you ever had a pet in a college where there were "no pets allowed"? What cage animal would be the best for a college lifestyle that's quiet, doesn't need too much care, and doesn't stink very badly?

I was thinking rats, but what do you think, and why?

No fish, and i currently have 3 gerbils, and i think i'm done with those for awhile...

Thanks in advance!




  1. Dorms don't really like you having pets. So I would say wait until you get an apartment. And even then you are going to have to ask if you can gave something. I would say a rat of hamster is a good pet for you. They don't need too much out of cage time. So that's a good thing. They don't cost much. And changing the bedding once a week is all they need. Good luck

  2. O I so did this with my roommate in college, NO ANIMALS ALLOWED...I just didn't feel that rule applied to us.  I know a lot of kids who tried and succeeded.  A few people had cats (were always caught) we had random room checks once a month like in many colleges.   I had a friend who had a ferret and kept it for a while.

    I had rats, actually 3 cages for them....I wasn't caught for a very long time.  Just gotta keep them clean and care for them.

    I put the tank with a tank topper under my raised bed and kept a sheet in front of them hanging down from under the bed.  I kept their food in a cookie tin, and extra bedding in the back of my closet.   They were good and quiet (I took any wheel out of the cage when I was gone to avoid squeeks)    

    Eventually I was caught, luckily we planned on that possibly happening and had back up homes,  it sucked because we got put on dormitory probation but it was so worth the 2 years we got away with it.   We were good kids so we really didn't get in too much trouble, just had to write an appology and promise not to be bad again.

  3. If you live in a dorm the only pet your allowed is a fish.

    When looking at apts that are close to the campus most do not allow pets.  The only ones that do around my college are ones that are like a few miles away from the campus, and you have to pay an extra fee.  The only way you can have a cat or a dog most likely is if you live in a house.  My friends had a ferret that lived in their apt, and they never got caught with it, it was cute, but got the roommates mad when it was running all over the place.  I had a friend who had a kitty she snuck in and kept at an apt, that didn' tallow pets, it was always interesting finding ways to hide the cat during random expections.  Also it became to much of a hassle so she had to get rid of it, which i was very sad about. I would say a hamster would be a good pet, they aren't that smelly,and if you have a quite wheel no one would notice, or turtles.

  4. Your roommates will appreciate you not having any pets. Wait until after graduation.

  5. I think all college dorms are pretty much no pet except for fish. I've had fish, but if you're thinking of sneaking something in I'd go for amouse, mostly because it's easy to hide at inspections. Rats are so much better than mice, but they need a lot bigger cage that won't fit in a dorm.  

  6. A Parrot!

  7. fish, rat, hamster, mouse, or gerbil

  8. My room mate and I had a rabbit and a guinea pig at the "no pets" dorms in Young Harris College. Such fun. It was really stressful when it came time for room inspections though. I still have my guinea pig, Monster.

    Guinea pigs can be loud- mine never really was though. I would suggest a dwarf rabbit if you are looking for the noiseless pet. My roomie and I would always put the cage in the cupboard the week of inspections with food boxes games and DVDs surrounding and the RA never rummaged through there. We just let them out when ever we were in the room inspection week, ready to put them in their "hide home" at a moment's notice if we heard a knock on the door.

  9. I would get a small lop eared rabbit they can be potty trained! and are not that aggressive!

  10. ok i think a 2 male rats.. there awsome pets... my friend has 4 in her dourm and there cool an nice... there axually one of my fav. rodents.. i like headgehogs to there amazing!! they dont stink asmuch as rodent and headgehogs are mamals and i really want one but my mom wont let me have one... PS. GOOD LUCK!!

  11. get rats.

    there cute.

  12. Get a snake cornsnake or garder they don't smell at all with the right bedding!Garders eat minos they cacth them in the water in a little bowl which could make little noise....Corn snakes eat dead or alive mice

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