
What is the best color for my braces? ?

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I am a girl and i don't want to look dorky with braces? which color?




  1. well i am a girl  too lol and i wear braces trust me you wont look dorky with braces no matter wat color they are because everyone wears them now but pink or a color that matches your eyes if your eyes are a lighter color green blue and lavender can never go wrong  and dark grreen that sort of sparkles is very pretty im wearing it rite now and every1 keeps telling me they like it so yeah or just plain gray you can never go wrong with that one ...dont do whites or yellows have fun =]

  2. Don't get white, a friend said they pick up the color of the food you eat. I have silver because I wanted them to be less noticeable.  

  3. well unlike some of these people i dont care if my braces will be noticeable or not. (im getting them in 4 days) and i have already picked which colors i want. Light blue and lavender definately. Then maybe aqua and light blue. Oh ya i also like pink and black. But if u really wanna have fun with the colors, do rainbow! Just have fun dont pick white, tooth color, glow in the dark or even brown lol. My friend has pink and yellow and it looks really cute on her. Get the colors of ur sports team is u play sports or colors of holidays. Try all of the colors because u will be having them for like 2 years. Good Luck!!! :D


       Mrs. Joe Jonas

  4. I had clear ones and it worked out really well-- a lot less noticeable than hot pink or blue or something. Just had to stay away from things like kool-aid for a while. Haha

  5. get silver, its classic.

    but for the bands, get pink or purple, because green looks like you have stuff in your teeth and yellow and orange make your teeth look yellow.

  6. get like an aqua colour so like greeny blue there soo nice my friend has got them

  7. lots of people get black, I usually get jade, cause my fav color is green. But you could get like purple, or like a burgandy color.

    Stay away from yellow,tooth,glow in the dark,and orange.

    You can also try getting colors for a holiday, or school colors if in middle, or high school.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!------d:^)

  8. either your favorite color or something neutral... but maybe not white, because white can be stained by food, like pizza and other things. the wires of the braces are silver or gray, so those colors would be good.

    or you can pick funn colors, but if you pick 2 or more, make sure that they dont clash... like if you have green and yellow its bright and kind of clashy, but its cool if you like that. but if you do all red, it might look like your mouth is bleeding...

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