
What is the best color?

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What color should I paint my walls?







  1. I have two rooms in my house that are painted green.  One is a celery and the other is close to an olive drab (son's bedroom).  I get more compliments on those two room colors than any other in my house.  I think green is a serene and inviting color in most any shade.

  2. Black closes in a space,so if your room is not BIG dont paint it black.....Red is nice but again, can close in a room.It would be good to paint one wall red.....Green?there are so many shades of green....from light to dark can be very nice depending on the look you are after....You dont seem afraid of color and thats good.

    Go to the paint section of one of those huge home improvement places and get a bunch of those color swatches in colors you like,then take them home and tuck them all around where you want to paint(behind door molding,cabinates etc...and just look at them for a few days.You will begin to throw certain ones out ,here and there,till you are down to a few...Then it will be easier to choose.That's what I do.

  3. green or like greenish blue

  4. Red normally is the color they use in a dinning area.  It is suppose to make you hungry.

    Black normally seen as a depressing color unless you use black light paint on it for design.

    Green depending on the color can be calming and bring tranquility.  

    It depends on what you are going for.  Just remember if you do paint in dark colors, and you decide to change the colors to something light you will have to do a lot of Kilz painting at least 3 to 4 coats.  So now the ball is back your court.

  5. Easily put - go with what you want. All three used in a room evoke the Oriental theme; black and red could be invigorating; black and green could be quite classy when paired with the right accessories; and of course, red and green - I think of the winter holidays! Choose the color that goes best with the object(s) in the room that are too costly or cannot be changed. Remember, paint is easily changed, so it's ok to make a mistake. Good luck - LT

  6. use light colors

    feng shui bedroom decoration ideas:

  7. well you definitely shouldn't paint your red or black mabey a light green with light purple would be good.

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