
What is the best company for all in 1 insurance?

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I am looking for anyone to tell me of their experiences with different insurance companies. I need Life, Homeowners, and Car Insurance. I am now with AAA but I am tired of paying a membership fee for services I don't use just to get a discount.

Also is there an insurance company that would insure an inmate in prison?




  1. For the best comparisons, try speaking with an insurance broker in your area. A broker works with several companies, and can find the best policy and terms for you. To find a broker in your area, log on to a website like  and fill out a form requesting a free quote. There is no obligation.

  2. In my opinion  you should keep your need for Life and Health Insurances with a separate company from your property and casualty (P&C) insurances because companies who generalize in everything can not give you the best advice when it comes to your money.  

    New York Life is the best company out there for Life Insurance because:


    A.M. Best (A++)

    Standard & Poor's (AAA)

    Moody's (Aaa)

    Fitch (AAA)

    13 Billion Dollar Surplus while the surplus average of the top 25 insurance companies is 7.3 Billion

    They have been around for over 160 years which means they back their promises to pay and are not a commodity company that will be sold like Primerica.

    Finally their agents are the best trained in the industry.  They receive training weekly for the first 3 years of their time in the business.

    For your P&C needs call AAA for a recommendation.

  3. Sure, there are MANY...what State do you live in?? I write in NJ, MD, VA, DE, PA ...if you're in any of those, shoot me an email so that we can touch base.  S.MUSTAKAS@YAHOO.COM.

    Otherwise, you should call a local agent.  They'd be your best bet :)

    What kind of insurance are you looking for as far as the person who is incarcerated? I'm assuming life insurance since that person doesn't need health or auto....probably not.  If so, the rate would be really high.  Most companies require a physical and they can't send the paramedic to a prison.  Sorry!!

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