
What is the best country for immigration that have good job opportunities and easy to immigrate from India?

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I am from India and I have a professional degree in Computer Science. My countries of preference are,

1. Canada

2. Australia

3. UK

4. US

If it matters, I am a Muslim, but I'm not into religious stuff.




  1. From that list best to worst I would go




    & Australia last

    USA would be the hardest to get into & Australia would be the easiest.

    Australia is a nice country But the pay is about 3x more in UK and 1.5x-2x more in US.

    If you cant get into Australia But can get into New Zealand you can work there for 2 years & get New Zealand citizenship then immigrate to Australia.

    Australians Get maybe 20-30% more pay then New Zealanders on average But from my experience New Zealanders tend to be more humble then austrailians.

    Most New Zealanders come back to New Zealand who go there just cause of the people & life style over here even know the money is a bit less.

  2. Canada, even though when immigration waiting times are long wait yet its worth.

    UK is over crowded & securing a decent job is a big big problem.

  3. Your Computer Sceince degree will be a plus in any country. I m from India too, living in the US. US immigration is a mess right now, and even the jobs are tight. Since you asked for an opinion, I would say first Australia, and then Canada. Both these countries need talented people to boost their economy and will have more jobs than US or UK.

    And yes, if ur purpose is to just work and then eventually return to India, then I would say do a round in all of these countries. If ur goal is to permanently settle down outside India, then Aus and Canada will make it easy for immigrants.

    Good luck yaar!

  4. Hi,

    Try to get a job offer and then move to any of them. With job offer they all will be same. Without job, be prepared to do labor job. I think you should try your luck in Middle East or in Banglore,India.

    Wish you good luck,

  5. canada surrey full of brown ppl =)  

  6. UK

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