
What is the best country for singles to adopt from?

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What is the best country for singles to adopt from?




  1. Russia. Both my sister and I were born there. The population is so high that they are looking for anyone to adopt the poor orphans. Many times there are siblings- but sometimes kids are not newborn.

  2. Until yesterday, I would have advocated for Ethiopia, as I adopted my daughter there last summer (she was 6 months-old) and had an amazing experience.  However, yesterday, the director of my adoption agency sent out an e-mail from Addis Ababa saying that the Ethiopian government is intending to stop allowing singles to adopt.  They have not said when or why, but it may be that demand is up for babies, so they are putting more limits on requirements as China did recently.  I feel very sad about this, because the babies on the whole, are healthy (very treatable 3rd world problems, if any health issues; no drug or alcohol use in vitro) and at least in our orphanage, they received lots of holding and attention.  My daughter is a joyful, bright, totally bonded and trusting little being.  The older children have more losses in their past (usually have lost a parent or parents to disease), but they have known love and attachment and generally do pretty well adjusting to adoptive families.  I had hoped to adopt a sibling in a couple of years - if I am still single at that time, it may not be possible by then.

  3. the united states

  4. You dont get a good child from the best country. Its very horrible that you think that. You adopt a child to love it and want to care for it and it shouldnt matter where its from

  5. It depends on you to be honest. There are a number of countries that are "single friendly". It's been a while since I was looking but I believe there are a number countries that allow single women.

    Of course, domestically the odds are low if you are looking for a new born through private adoption. However, as a foster parent infants do become available; you may have to wait a while for one to be placed with you and then you will wait longer to find out if that infant will be free for adoption (AKA have parental rights terminated). If you are considering international adoption Vietnam, Ethiopia, Russia, Nepal to mention a few all allow singles to adopt. Each country has it's own laws and regulations. You will need to research them and find out which one is a good match for you. About 8 years ago I looked at probably a dozen countries before deciding on China which is now closed to singles. I went with China because it had a stable program with no surprise fees. The availability of infants was high. There was only one trip required where as others require two or three trips. I truthfully did not care what country my child was born in when I was looking. I wanted a program that was stable and a "reasonable assurance" that I would have a child after I did X, Y, and Z. China offered that. At this point if I were adopting a second child, I would most likely go through foster care. I have experienced the infant parenting and quite frankly, would like to avoid diapers and formula again. I don't regret it but I have had the experience and would no longer feel like I was missing an experience.

    Each country has it's pro's and con's however, you need to remember that no one can decide this for you. The plus is that you dn't have to take anyone else's opinions into consideration either. Most adopting families want to adopt girls which is why China is a frequent country of choice.

    However, if India follows through with some of what I have read India has an abundance of girls too and may be the next "China" for families who are looking for girls.

    Nepal has both boys and girls but only allows adoptive parents to adopt the opposite gender of any child they currently have in the home and if they have no children they must be open to either gender.  

    Vietnam has both boys and girls but has more boys so the wait is far less for a boy than it is for a girl. Vietnam requires one or two trips depending on the county in which your child is from and if I remember correctly the trip could be three weeks long.

    Russia has more boys available than girls and requires two trips and often you are told "we have run into a problem but for $1200 we can correct it". Then you get another calls telling you "we have a problem but for $700 we can fix it." This is why I went with China.

    Bottom line is no one can decide which country (international or domestic) is best for you.

  6. The Arctic Circle.

  7. How about the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

    There are so many children that need homes, may not be a baby, but they truly need homes.

  8. Canada.  Canadians are actually the best people in the world, so there's no choice.  A Canadian will adapt easily to living with one parent, and will love you for taking them away from the orphanage.

    Small Canadians are very cute.  Then they become fun little kids.  Then they became great teenagers.  Then amazing young 20-somethings.  Then on to mature 30-somethings.

    No doubt, you will find that a Canadian will always be your best choice.

  9. US Private adoptions usually are a really long wait for singles.

    Adopting children out of state care is possible and they are legally free. There are a lot of hoops to jump through especially as a single, but it is possible. You have to be really clear on what you can take on in terms of needs, as some of the children are older, but just as much in need.

    I've been doing a ton of research for myself being single.

    Countries that are single friendly are Guatemala, Ethiopia, Phillipenes, Vietnam, Kazecstahn, to name a few!

    If you research those countries, you can see the requirements.

    Also if you go to, you can pull up a list of countries,  and their requirements. They are a very repuatable agency.

    Hopefully we can start building our  families!

  10. USA, Canada, Great Britian.

    Many countries around the world - including China - prohibit this.  But the countries I mentioned are probably the best, but also the slowest.  Perhaps there are others though.  Good luck.

  11. Nepal is the best country right now.  They are having some changes in their government right now and adoptions are on hold for awhile until they come up with new safeguards, but they have been and will likely continue to be friendly toward single parent adoptions.  Speak to an adoption agency.

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