
What is the best country to live in outside of USA?

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If I were to move, where would be the best place to live? I'm sick of the US and its problems, its corrupt government, it just seems like a terrible place to live right now.




  1. New Zealand, but we do't like yanks, and won't let them in!

  2. Only 2 English speaking countries rank higher than the USA with regards to standard of living.  They are Canada and Australia.  I am Australian but have travelled extensively through both countries.  Both would be great countries to make your new home.  Australia would be warmer with better beaches however it is a long way from your family and friends.

  3. To avoid corrupt governments, I would say the best place for you might be a deserted island somewhere.  There is some corruption in every country.  Have you thought about what you are willing to give up by living in another country?  Do you like the standard of living that you have in the US?  Do you speak a foreign language or are the people in your new country supposed to speak english?  Do you think people from other countries are flocking to the US because it is such a bad place to live?  By the way, Mexico is now more dangerous than Colombia for foreigners and it doesn't matter if you speak spanish or not.  Have fun where ever you find the perfect place, if such a place exists.

  4. Mexico if you speak Spanish.

  5. I have lived all over the world and about 5 years ago I decided to spend my winters on my boat in Antigua, so I am there about 7 months out of the year

  6. Canada!

  7. If you have the money to boot, then the Scandinavian countries and Ireland are your best bets. They consistently top the list of best places to live in although they may strain your budget somewhat as they have high standards of living there and the environment is still pristine.

    But if you're on a shoestring budget, Malaysia is a good alternative.

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