
What is the best country to visit? Options are Canada alaska france italy and hawaii.?

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Options are Canada alaska france italy and hawaii. Really want to know we are considering going overseas in 2 years or so and we need a destination and if there is any other good countries they would be fine to say aswell ;p thankyou




  1. Hawaii

  2. those arent countrys....

  3. I've been in all those places numerous times and would offer these thoughts:

    Alaska and Canada offer a lot of what New Zealand does - dramatic scenery, wilderness, mountains, glaciers, rivers, etc, plus big critters, few people and no sheep!  They are probably the most welcoming to newcomers of the places on your list.  Alaska especially, is a population of migrants. A lot of people are drawn here for a while.  Some stay a long time.

    France and Italy of course have tremendous cuisine, culture and metropoltian areas.  Charming countrysides as well.  Very little wilderness but a calmer more relaxed lifestyle than England/US/Australia.  More focus in enjoying life, less focus on earning money.

    Hawaii is warm to hot, mild to humid and always full of tourists.  There are remote places, but the locals can be a little uppity about new comers.  The popular places are very focused on shepharding a new group of tourists through each week.  It is probably the most ethnically diverse and yet ethnically-at-peace place on Earth.  More health-conscious, liberal, and educated then other US states.  It is popular for good reason but it is, well, popular.  Which means property values, rents, and all the costs of living are very high.

    If those are the places you're thinking of, I'd say also consider Spain and Ireland.  Very different cultures and climates, but both nice places to visit or to stay a while.

  4. I would recommend the INDIA, because India is great tourist destination with colorful culture and local custom.

    I have recently returned from my India trip, really India is a great country for overseas tourist. My tour was organized by

    If you want visit the various color of life in only tour then you should visit India.

    Best of luck

  5. What about Australia.  We offer everything any other country can offer.  From desert, rainforest, snow, and wonderful beaches, night life, theme parks, etc.

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