
What is the best course of action, if you were attacked by a shark? What's your theory?

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What is the best course of action, if you were attacked by a shark? What's your theory?




  1. stay out of the water

  2. yeah, you're supposed to punch it in the eyes/nose/gills.  Worst case scenario is the kickin-est game ever....i now know how to eat a mouse w/out skinning or dressing it!

  3. Well Boxergirl, I've been scuba diving for 28 years, and just as the surfer said, the best way to defend against a shark attack is to be aware of the shark to begin with! We did a live study on shark attack methods, and the results were very interesting. Almost all sharks will circle their targeted prey several times before attacking. They attack from below, getting an angle from below so that they give no warning. In the surf, and at the mouths of rivers and such, they come from the side, due to no visibility and most attacks on humans there are mistaken identity, because they don't actually see you at all. They bump into soft flesh, and bite in reflex, normally letting go as soon as they taste the blood. Our blood is not the same as marine life, so it's not something they actually like very much. But it can get them excited, so don't take it for granted that they won't attack twice.

        In the event that you ARE attacked, stay calm, first and foremost! You will have a bad cut, or worse, so you do NOT want to get your heart to racing! If at all possible, locate the shark, and keep an eye on it, while you work at stopping or at least slowing the blood flow. Swimming calmly, not splashing or acting erratic, make your way towards shore, yelling loudly to let nearby swimmers know that you've been attacked. In the event that the shark returns, or makes another pass, you can use both hands and feet to kick and strike in the nose and eye regions. If you have a board, shove the nose of the board at the shark's eye region. Keep in mind that if you are bitten, other sharks may be attracted, so you are in a fight for survival, and there are no rules. You fight to win, no questions asked.

        Like I said, I've been diving for 28 years, and even with all the sharks dives I've done (435), I've never been bitten. I HAVE had to ward several off when they got too nosey, but no bites. Good luck!!

  4. I've been surfing for 35 years in hawaii, and have never been attacked. The best thing to do is learn shark habits. Don't surf near river mouths or in murky water. Sharks seem more active at dawn,dusk, and of course at night. If you encounter a shark the best thing to do is keep your eyes on it, calmly head towards shore. Thrashing and quick movements exite them. If you have to punch one or poke one in the eyes, chances are you were doing something wrong. At that point try anything.

  5. punch dead in nose


  7. poke him in the eyes

  8. Kick or punch it in the eyes.  There is a board game out there, and I can't remember what it's called, but it's a game of survival in the wild, what to do for this medical condition, how to fix a gas leak to get you to the gas station, you get the idea.

  9. Punch it in the eyes/nose is best.  Be careful not to punch into the mouth...BAD results.

    The game referred to above it called "Worst Case Scenario".  All about survival although some of the answers are way out there.

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