
What is the best course to study Reflexology?

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Which is the best professional course for reflexology?




  1. What Avondrow said.

    It is complete nonsense, which has no basis in anatomy, or physiology.  It has never been shown to do anything in the very few scientifically controlled studies that have ever been done on it.

    Why would you want to train to be a professional charlatan?

  2. Wow, I'm amazed at the ingorance so abundant in answers, especially from people answering questions they obviously know nothing about.

    Have either of you hever HAD reflexology done on you?  Why have they been doing it in the Eastern cultures for thousands of years if it doesn't work?  Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it doesn't work.  And just because there's no "scientific" proof that it works DOESN'T mean it isn't true!  (for over 40 years there was no "scientific proof" that smoking causes cancer, but was there REALLY any question??)

    Anyway, I've had lots of sessions with Reflexology, and I can attest that it does work.  You can say it is the "placebo" effect, but I've done it LOTS of times, and the placebo effect doesn't continue working if there's not real benefit.  I'm not going to get into the mind-vs-body issue regarding the placebo effect, though.

    Find a good, accredidated school that does Reflexology along with other natural modalities (such as massage), or one that does ONLY Reflexology.  If you want to be truly effective, go to a whole schooling, not just a few classes or workshops.  Usually, it's about a year long.

    Try going to to find a good school in your area.

  3. Make it up as you go along. There is no professionalism associated with a practise with no underpinning science, no medical validity and based on a homuncular theory discredited centuries ago!

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