
What is the best creature in J.K. Rowling's book?

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What is the best creature in J.K. Rowling's book?




  1. if your talkin harry potta I say...


  2. i like the phoenix the best, but the hipogriff is a close second  

  3. Personally I like the Phoenix the best due to the fact that it has so much symbolism behind it.

  4. Veela

    They are not just alluring...Their hairstrand is functional as well for it can serve as a wand core.They can be bodyguards too...they can spit fire.

  5. there are tooo many lol

    great series:)

  6. the flyin car was the best creature - its the closest thing our world could get to

  7. I like the House Gnomes or whatever Kreatcher and the one that stalked harry potter are...

    I would KILL to have a couple of those!

    But I would at least treat them nice... Like how Dumbledore treated his house elf's... As respected friends and helpers.

    Though harry's owl was awesome too!  

  8. I myself am partial to hippogrifs.  I also like the sphinx in book 4, as riddles intrigue me.

  9. Kreacherrr

  10. harry potter :) the dragons or somthin a flying car  

  11. The phoenix.

  12. three headed dog! i like them very much. I also like bogart. But actually I like mermaid. Mermaid is the best creature.

  13. Fluffy? (i think) aka Cerberus  

  14. I love me some Dobby.

  15. In order of personal favorites:







    House Elves


    Three Headed Dog


  16. Oh wow. So many to choose from! I really like the idea behind the Boggart - that it takes the shape of people's worst fears. I'm not saying I would like that, I'm just saying it's a very interesting concept - imagine if something existed like that in our world!

    Also, the idea behind the Dementors is terrifying. They are almost like a metaphor for severe forms of depression - feeling like you will never be cheerful again, sucking the life right out of you. She's a very clever woman, JK Rowling is!

  17. hagrid

  18. Phoenix.

  19. Leaving out the plagarised ones? Sorry `researched`. there are no original creatures in that over rated superannuated dross.

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