
What is the best cure for headaches?

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i get severe headaches and paracetemol doesnt help that much. what else can i try?

also i have trouble sleeping. is there any way i can get to sleep better without taking pills?




  1. water, rest in a  cool dark room, good nights sleep. If your getting constant headaches or headaches often see your doctor- as its not normal.

  2. Nothing....because nothing works faster than Anadin.

  3. i don't take pills and I've been going through very similar problems.  umm.  taking a cool shower has decreased my headaches majorly.  and getting air by going outside alot. eating fresh fruits and cashews has helped me in the past as well.  grapes and the cashews have helped the most.  

    BLESSINS  I hope it gets better.  

    oh yeah.  stretch your limbs and stand streight..  your spine should be taken well care of.  

  4. Have another drink and it will go away. Works for me.  

  5. is it a severe headache or migraine? i used to get horrendous migraines where it made me throw up and shake sometimes i ended up having to lie and sleep in total darkness until it went away. I had to go to hospital and then get referred to a consultant where he gave me medication to take continuously for three months. This was about 1and a half ago ive only had once since=]

  6. For headaches  try lavender oil, just a little drop and massage it where you feel the pain, or chewing a little hot pepper for a minute. For sleeping take chamomile  tea  2 cups before you go to bed, and if  you feel stressed all the time you should take 3 times  a day, but  make sure have one before  you go to bed.  Put some lavender oil in a little bowl of water and put it in your bedroom,  and a few drops of the oil on your pillow  helps too.  Lavender oil is good  for relaxation. When I have muscle  ache  I massage it  with a few drops and the pain is gone for a long time!  These  helped me and its naturals.  I hope you will feel better!

  7. Go to your GP and see if he/she can prescribe a stronger painkiller or injection (My dad used to have to do this as he suffers badly from Migranes). Try distracting your attention away from sleeping by reading or watching tele but that won't do your headaches much good so you're caught in a situation ;)

    PS. As a mild sufferer, Ibuprofen works for me

  8. I get migraines regularly and have been prescribed every pill made. A few that have worked for me were imitrex and frova. There are so  many causes of headaches, it is hard to pin point exactly what is causing it. The best thing to do is get a prevevtative medicine, and take whenever you feel your head starting to hurt at all. And if all else fails. Acupuncture.

  9. A rope, only kidding.

    I take annadin extra, they work really well for me, always have...They seem to shift the headache really quick...

  10. Take aspirin...sleeping, drink yourself into a stupor, that's what works for me

  11. Codeine & paracetamol (Co-Codamol) are the strongest you can buy over the counter at the chemist.  If I was you I'd go see the doctor as soon as possible just to rule out anything bad.

    As for sleep, try taking a warm (not hot) bath, lavender oil, hot milk, lettuce (has a natural sleep inducing chemical believe it or not!), Horlicks, Nytol, massage.

    Best wishes x

  12. Slice of lime rub it on your forehead. People also say BC powder works great.

  13. Try Ibuprofen for the headaches.  This is Nurofen but the supermarkets own brand ibuprofen is just as good and a lot cheaper.

    For sleeping, try a bath just before going to bed and maybe a cup of cocoa

  14. sleep, plenty of cool - room temperature water, plenty of relaxation, professinal massage and stress free moments of lots of sleep!!

    - use 2 extra stength panadol pain killers with lots of water, then go to bed and sleep for 12 hours.

    - trouble sleeping is stress or too much anxiety, i suggest you learn to chill and take it easy going for a while.

    - learn to relaxe and let go when you sleep, think about how cosy and soft your bed is.

    'you know its things like happiness and being stress free that people over look a little and focus too much on thing they want instead, at least you need a right balance in your life.'

    eat more fruit in your diet because it actually helps with sleeping - and eating salad/veg helps your body combat illness and diseases.

    light exercise during active hours or day light gives you endorphines.

    - also being over weight, too much sugar and salt can cause sleep problems.

  15. find something that will sooth u  and calm u down.  once u are calm down just lay down im bed and listen to some calm music. not the slipknot(even thought they are awesome) or any metal. listen to some soft rock or rnb. or whatever ur music taste is. that will make u drifty. then once u do stretch and just lay down. htat will make u fall asleep.  this should cure both problems

  16. Being in a cool room, a stick of menthol stuff called 4 head (aka peppermint stick). I sometimes lie in a darkened room with a flannel on my forehead or have a cool shower - these seem to ease the symptoms.  

    With regards to sleeping, I either read or have a bath with something like radox that has lavender in it, also try to avoid caffine up to 4 hours before hand as I find that can keep me awake.

  17. i get severe headaches all the time my doctor said take one tylonal one ibuprofen and drink caffine

  18. advil

  19. Drink, Plenty of water

    You're body is probably dehydrated at least 2 litres or more.

    An alternative is to try localised head and face massage which will alleviate the stress that you maybe sufferring.

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