
What is the best cure for the dead lawn area underneath a tree?

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What is the best cure for the dead lawn area underneath a tree?




  1. might be the wrong grass seed for a shady area. Would be a great place to throw some top-soil and plant a hosta shade garden...or even ground cover.

  2. Best thing is to dig up area of dead lawn and level off, flatten off by walking over area then rake again.  Sow a shade loving grass seed which you can buy from different garden centre and keep watering, fingers crossed!

  3. A nice flowerbed or mulch bed.

  4. I prefer to put mulch under the tree.  It helps the tree and reduces mowing.

  5. small package of grass seeds from home depot or lowes and water the seeds everyday. youre gona need to liek scrape the surface of the dirt/dead grass before you put the seeds on.

  6. There is a new kind of grass. I can't remember the name right now. There is an infomercial. It's something like turbograss. They claim it will grow anywhere.

  7. Sometimes it's lack of sunlight that prevents grass from growing.  A nicely edged bed of mulch solves that problem.  Be sure to use MULCH and not wood chips.

  8. Unlike what a previous person said, whatever you do don't buy that informercial c**p.  It's ridiculously expensive and is no different than Scotts Patchmaster.

    Like others said, it's from a lack of sun.  You could do the mulch thing, but if you want grass there, scrape the surface of the area to rough it up a bit, go to Home Depot and buy some grass seed especially for shady areas, then keep it watered and within 2wks it will start to fill in.

    Make sure your lawn is on a yearly maintenance schedule too as far as fertilization.

  9. It's difficult to mow grass around a tree anyways b/c of it's roots, so I've always planted. I've planted hastas. They are simple, perfect for shade and once in the ground they will multiply and softens where the tree trunk meets the ground. Since you'll be digging around the roots of course use a small hasta plant, a small one will work b/c it will get big very quick. Be patient thought, for the 2nd year it will come out in the spring and be bigger than before, it's a perennial so you won't have to do anything. Maintenance FREE!

  10. Nan gave a good answer but it's 'hostas' not 'hastas' and slugs and snails just love them so be warned.

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