
What is the best cure to stop snoring?

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What is the best cure to stop snoring?




  1. First you have to go see an ear, nose, and throat specialist. He may have you go for a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea. This is where you stop breathing during the night, and it can cause heart attacks, etc. I have it. After the sleep study, you will be given (depending on your insurance) a machine that is digitally programmed for you, and you may get a mask that goes over your nose (attached to the machine) or a small tube that goes into your nostrils. This stops you from snoring and gets enough oxigen into your lungs. There is also a 3 step surgery to thin out the muscle wall in your throat.

  2. many snorers have sleep apnea..a serious disorder and i is highly recommended that you go on a bipap or cpap machine as this interferes with ones rem, and stage 3 and 4 sleep causing multiple health problems ..even though they think they are sleeping they are not getting benefits.  An untreated person could have a heart attack..I think cpap will not stop risk of stroke but it does stop risk of heart attack.  

    do you have morning headaches..this is often a sign.

    both thin and overweight people have dad did and he was of normal can be hereditary and it is both caused  buy and causes obesity.

    Please do not mess around with this disorder.  I rarely you allopaths and medical drugs but I have sleep apnea and I do use a bipap.

    Until then use the ball in the pjs methods one person described, elevating the book or using a pillow wedge, and trying to sleep on yo r side or stomach not your back,.  also put some eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser so you can breathe that throughout the night as it helps one breathe better,.

    Go to a sleep doctor and get a sleep study.

    Many people with it fall asleep in the day or while driving..I never had that just total fatigue,.  Someone I knew lost 70 pounds after getting on a bipap machine and getting the pressure right.  In the old days the only treatment was a tracheotomy,  Now they also have surgery and dental appliances but most people use the bipap

  3. Go on a diet. Most snorers tend to be middle-aged, overweight men. Most women snorers are past menopause. Slimming stops snoring. "Snoring is frequently related to being overweight," says Dr. Dunn of the University of Toronto Sunnybrook Medical Centre Sleep Laboratory. "We've found that if a moderate snorer loses weight, the snoring becomes less loud, and in some people it actually disappears."

    "You don't have to be a 2-ton Tony to develop snoring. Just being a little overweight can bring on a problem," says Dr. Smith. "Men about 20 percent over ideal body weight can develop snoring. Women have to be much heavier, usually 30 to 40 percent over ideal body weight. But the more overweight you are, the more likely it is that your airway will collapse."

    Ignore the midnight spirits. "Alcohol before bed makes snoring worse," says Dr. Dunn. Don't drink and sleep.

    Stay away from sedatives. Sleeping pills may make you sleep, but they will keep your partner awake. "Anything that relaxes the tissues around the head and neck will tend to make snoring worse. Even antihistamines will do it," says Dr. Dunn.

    Put the cigarette light out. Snuff snoring by snuffing cigarettes. "Smokers tend to be snorers," says Dr. Dunn, "So stop smoking."

    Back off. When you sleep, sleep on your side. "Heavy snorers snore in virtually any position," says Dr. Dunn. "But moderate snorers only snore when they are on their backs."

    Get on the ball. A tennis ball, that is. "Sew a tennis ball onto the back of your pajamas," suggests Dr. Dunn. "That way, when you roll over on your back, you hit this hard object and unconsciously you roll off your back."

    Have a fight with your pillow. Then get rid of it. Pillows only help elevate your snoring level. "Anything that puts a kink in your neck," reports Dr. Dunn, "like a large pillow, will make you snore more."

    Raise your bed to new heights. Elevating the bed can help minimize snoring. "Elevate the upper torso, not just the head," says Dr. Westbrook. "Put a couple of bricks under the legs at the head of your bed."

    Blame it on your allergies. Sneezing and snoring go together. "Snoring can develop due to allergies or colds," says Dr. Westbrook. "Use a nasal decongestant, especially if your snoring is intermittent and comes during hay fever season."

    Put a plug in it. When all else fails, Dr. Westbrook says, the one on the receiving end of the nasal abuse can wear earplugs to bed. They're inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

  4. Surgery. Usually caused by deviated septum. Nose job. There are two types of nose jobs. Get both. One to repair it and one to keep it from coming back.

  5. Well, it's hard to say what's the best solution to stop snoring as one should undergo a proper diagnosis first by physicians. Not all people have snoring problem while having the same cause. The causes of snoring could be differed from an individuals to another. One solution to stop snoring is by surgery but I suggest that one had better try another natural method before going into that. Why don't you just try this simple exercise. Who knows, maybe it's the best solution for your snoring type.

    Try this exercise to loosen the jaw.

    Start by putting the upper and lower molars together very lightly. Once done, open your mouth and press the molars as wide as you can. Do not stretch. Do ten to twenty repetitions. Focus on the molars – out them together and then lower your jaw. After several repetitions, you should feel your jaw muscles strengthening and the back of your mouth opening up. Feel the muscles contracting at the back of your throat? If you feel them opening up, then you’re doing a good job relaxing and strengthening them.

    I've found this exercise at

    There are a lot of articles on the causes and cures for snoring that you can find. Well, that's all what I want to say.


  6. They have these machines that you put on when you go to bed that use positive air pressure and water vapor. They are quite expensive ~$2000 without medical insurance.

  7. Elevate your bed, use a 2 x 4 in the front to do this. Also, the nasal breathe strips help. See an ear nose and throat doctor, a very highly recomended one. Some are idiots.  Those breathe strips really helped my husband. He had the sinus surgery too. but probably has scar tissue.  Sometimes snoring is a sign of other medical problems or can lead to them like sleep athnea. Good luck and Good health. ( P. S. I hope i don't offend you some folks are just a tad overweight and need a touch more excercising,and this can cause snoring too. Please don't get me wrong.OK?

  8. That's easy - just get a Slumber Guard Anti-snoring Device!

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