
What is the best day to go to Notting Hill Carnival????

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Sunday or

Bank Holiday Monday?




  1. There are different elements to each day.  Sunday tends to have more families and Monday is more of a crowd scene.  Being prepared for the event assures that you will have a fun, safe time - as you should! Lots of families go to the carnival and there are activities for all ages.  There's a great guide for the 2008 carnival here:

    Be safe, and have a great time!

  2. Sunday - everyone is really in the mood after a day of partying and they don't have to worry about work the next day.

  3. Monday. There is no Saturday, and Sunday is meant to be for children. For maximum excitement it is always Monday.

  4. Notting Hill Carnival is on Sunday & Monday

    Sunday this is childrens day

    Monday this is adults day & when the partying,drinking and dirty dancing begins!! lol

    Have Fun!!

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