
What is the best definition of "Old Days"?

by Guest21291  |  earlier

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Being here together n having fun.




  1. the old days for me when i was 16 or 17 or even 20 actually now i am as 4 times as that or may be 5 times\

    but to my father there are the good old days that he used to tell us about\

    and i m sure for his father there are the good old days

    what that suppose to mean?

    if i work as an  analyst  i should say "the god days are those days when a person has not much responsibility to carry all the members of the family are still there and the person still living in parents house or so close to it  under the cover of the mother and father"

    if i go further saying more love more respect more honesty and such things i m sure i ll fail in the moment of truth i feel i m not in lack of love or respect or what ever my small family my children are nice and good but i still look to the old days

  2. i am here just to say

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome Hope ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    i miss u ma dear and i am extremely happy to see u here again


  3. Ok then, we all were waiting for a HOPE to make us return back to the old days,

    I was sitting today with "slave of allah" & "7oda" and we talked alot abt this old days, and how yahoo answers is not the same , but here comes HOPE ,

    you know guys, she is like the sunshine, that everyone of us is waiting for her just to wake up and hug his life,

    Thanks HOPE for ur return.

    I met with zoser yesterday , and it was a great day with him , we talked for 8 hours without stoping, we talked abt manythings, life, yahoo, ...etc

    Welcome back hope , and wb to kalooka too, and all of u old friends,

    Love u all,

    Miss u all , and miss the old days.

    Where is AA, Farah, Dune, Faraway, Mr. 3ofy, Nada, Noha, Rana, Salah, Sahar,

    I wish we will all meet one day , :(

  4. we always say, Good Old Days .

    these days are full of Hope .

    i like having Hope .

  5. Welcome back hope....

    BTW.."Old days" represents to me the primary school days...when I used to go to school by was fun..

  6. young days.:)

    welcome back hope.

  7. Oh Eman you look so chic with your new hairdo. :-D

    I was scared when I saw that there are only 3 pages of questions.  It used to be at least like 7 pages.  I find that if the question has "you" then they say that it's chatting.  But if you say, "Egyptian People" or "in Egypt"... I don't get any violation notices.

  8. Quieter, safer, slower paced, more congenial, and definitely happier times.

  9. the past beautiful times

  10. welcome back hope

    old days were full of kheir and baraka

  11. Good Old Days are never recognized at their time.

    we recognize them after they are gone!!!!

    Good Old Days: are times we want to recall in the present when we cannot define our happiness in the present time.

    when we simply lose connection with ourselves.

  12. When i was 4

    the best time EVER,and also,when me an my cousins were younger,like when i was 10,11..

  13. Just the best welcome back Hope  

  14. the good happy times:D..

  15. The days were my Grandparents were 20

  16. The good old days, were the days that I lived in Egypt with my family. Yea, the true good old days are when I was with all my relatives celabrating my 7th birthday in, it's been almost 9 years after and I still haven't celebrated my birthday with my relatives...sigh. Only with my family and friends in Canada, but what can I do? All I can do is sigh and say....those were the good old days.

  17. Wb Esperanza

    There's nothing like the old days right?

    Yalla sheddy 7elek and get the orange badge

    Ma kol men habb we dabb ma3ah delwa2ty.. walla eh ya Mannousha?

  18. Maybe the best definition is an "Old timer" like me.....

    Hey everybody i am back.... missed you all *-*

  19. now i m breathing :)

    i salute, cherish and welcome Hope!

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