
What is the best destination in latin America for the begining of june?

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best climate at that time of year?




  1. Bogota

    Summer Festival

  2. Northweast of Brazil, it's low season in Brazil in June, so it is chaper and there's less people.It's winter but in northweast of Brazil the weather is hardlyever cold.

    The only problem is if you want to have a sunbath in june the sun is less powerfull.

    But if you don't want to go to the beach, you can go to Iguassu Falls, it's also in Brazil.If you don't know them, look for on the internet.It's really beatyfull, I've already been there.

  3. Ecuador, it's amazing there.  In a half an hour you can go from 95 degrees (F) on a beach in Guayaqil or the Galapagos, to Quito high up in the Andes where it is only in the 70's (F) usually in June.  Besides, the whole country is awesome.

  4. It depends on what you want to do.

  5. costa RICA or columbia!!!!!!

  6. come to Puerto Rico its sunny all year round but in june its especially sunny so its good weather u could say

  7. Go to Colombia and stay at San Andres or if you want super laid back, Providencia. Beautiful beaches, friendly people and very safe. Also, if your a scuba diver, dive the 737 thats just off the airport runway. (It caught fire and they pushed it into the ocean) You can sit in the pilots seat and have your picture taken. Here is a link that will let you see for yourself.

  8. Colombia

    duhh!!!! lol

    its good tho im from there nd i go every summer its really nice....specially the places that are by the ocean like cartagena and santa marta

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