
What is the best digital camera for less than £200?

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What is the best digital camera for less than £200?




  1. You might want to look at the Nikon cool shot p80 about 380 dollars US. Or Google Kodak cameras, they have many fine cameras for under 300 dollars

  2. How about this friend 10 mega pixel camera

  3. Panasonic Lumix DMC LX2 will just about squeeze into your budget. An amazing compact with a superb lens. If you cannot consistently take really good photo's with this then forget it, let someone else do the honours.

  4. Try getting a Cybershot phone

  5. get a Canon a 710 or the newer version

    great for the money try Jessops for a good price and good advice.

  6. any kind of cyber shots are GREAT

    here is a GREAT camera

  7. I have a Kodak Easy Share && it cost $99.

    so you could try that.

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