
What is the best distance an new cyclist should try?

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I just purchased a Trek 7.2 and am looking for a good training schedule to build up to longer distances. I haven't ridden a bicycle since I was 12, so I'm a little out of cycling shape, although I do some weight training and running. Any suggestions on starting out? I don't want to get started on a 10 mile ride and be worn out 3 miles into it... Thank you!!




  1. Don't worry about miles at 1st but the time you ride. Go out for a few 15 minute rides see how you do. If easy, go for 30. Just add 15 minutes to your ride when you feel you can. Your legs and butt will get used to the riding soon.

  2. There is no right answer here. And that's OK. Don't even think about distance. The only thing you should think about is routine. Ride often and regularly...any distance any amount of time, just do it every day (or every other day or even once a week at first). THE MILES (and the fitness) WILL COME if you just do that.

    If you want to work on a goal make getting on the bike every day for ANY distance your goal.

    Concentrate on enjoying the bike, the scenery, the weather, whatever. If you only go three miles the first time, great. I know lots and lots of people who would be thrilled to make three miles. If you focus on the fun of riding and not the torture of exercise you'll be much better off and you'll stand a much better chance of fitness success.

    FYI: As a rule of thumb, doctors say you should work hard enough to make it difficult to talk normally for thirty minutes a day. If you can do that every day you will become fit.

  3. Me and my cousin just got mountain bikes and went out for a 30 mile ride the first ride out and we looked for the most hills possible through our route, but by the time i got home my legs hurt like h**l, so i would suggest trying to build your riding time instead of miles for now. I think its an awesome sport im pretty much hooked.

  4. All great answers.

    Remember, a bike is extremely efficient. You can keep moving forward with very little effort unless you're riding somewhere hilly. Rolling around your neighborhood for 30 minutes will build your confidence and bike skills but may not wear you out at all. You will only get as much exercise as you want. Ride hard and you'll be tired and might need to rest when you're away from home. Ride easy and you'll be surprised at how far you can travel.

    Be sure to take water or sports drink with you. Any ride over 30 minutes or so can get uncomfortable in warm weather if you don't hydrate.

  5. You will probably be amazed at how easy it will be! Try riding around your neighborhood (if you have a good flat one) so that if you get tired you can just loop back around to you house. Or, try riding a few times around a short trail so that it is quick to get back to the start. You will probably will get used to it quickly. Probably start off with 10-15 minutes or 1-1.5 miles. Biking is a LOT easier than running, so since you run it should not be that hard. Also make sure you have a good, comfy, multiple speed bike! If you're sore after biking, don't worry, its normal, you will just need some time to adjust. Also, drink plenty of water and don't bike on extrememly hot days! Good luck and I hope I helped!



  6. try going around your nieghborhood a couple times at first.. get the feel of it then start doing 1 mile then 2 miles then 3 miles and so on. Make sure to drink a lot of water and wear a helmet. Saftey 1st!

  7. Here's what you should do...

    Pick a route that keeps you relatively close to home at all times, and ride laps. Don't worry about distance at this point in the game, but rather try to ride continuously for at least 30 minutes. As you get stronger, stay out longer, until you reach the point where you can begin going for distance. Once you're in cycling shape, you should try to go on some rides with other people. Your local bicycle shop can put you in touch with various groups. Don't try to do too much, too fast---it only takes the fun out of riding. If you don't enjoy it---you won't do it for very long.

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