
What is the best dog to get?

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we want to get a dog which kind should we get?




  1. a pit bull

  2. golden retriever would be the best especially if you have kids in the house  because they are very friendly although they need more space to exercise. they can also be easily trained. i have two and i was able to potty train them in less than a week. they are very affectionate and sweet. i am sure that anyone would love golden retrievers. i used to have shih tzu but the grooming part is very time consuming. and my doberman and rottweiller are very hot tempered. just be sure to give your retrievers quality food and vitamins and of course regular trips to the vet.

  3. If you want a small dog get a shiatsu... (sp?) if you want a big dog I suggest a golden retriever, or a husky.

  4. Any dog.

    A dog that is removed from the litter 6 weeks after birth and constant companionship,love and attention.

    They are social animals. They thrive in packs. They need an alpha and siblings to develop. People can easily fill this need. Loyalty and an unfailing desire to please will be the reward if these needs are met.

    They will teach us about ourselves too.

  5. You might like collies...

  6. It depends on what you want. Do you want a small dog or a big dog? If you want a lap dog, these small dogs may be good. The big dogs are good gaurd dogs, if that's what you're looking for.

    Small dogs:

    ****-zu; chihuahua; poodle; yorkie; toy fox terrier; dachsund

    Big dogs:

    Akita; Husky; Great Dane; Pitbull; German Sheperd; Rottweiler; Border Collie

  7. German Shephard

    They are just so beautiful plus they can be trained as police dogs

  8. *Warning* Do not get a Jack Russel.

    They are yappy and never shut up.

    For a big dog, a Rottwiler is good. People they they are vicious, that is only for people who abuse them. If you give them love, they are amazing dogs.

    For a small dog, a minuture Yorkie would be good. They are small and cute, and don't get too big.

  9. I have found that poodles are especially tasty and if youre not having more than 4 guests over a mini is fine.  For larger feasts I suggest standard though.  Apply liberal amounts of lemon pepper and butter for a meal they wont forget and dont forget to stick the apple in his mouth.

  10. Labs can do almost anything! They're friendly too! =)

  11. it depends...the dog has to be good with your life style ...some need lots of exercise some need little...some eat alot some dont...i would do researches on the computer...chosing a dog is personal i find

  12. I'm looking for a dog too, but mine has to be small. My uncle has 3 three labrador retrievers(2 boys &1 girl), there good if you have a big backyard, and a house, and a swimming pool.  

    Labs are good with kids and most people.

    it just depends on where you live, and the kind of lifestyle you live, like if your active.

    I want either a cocker spaniel, or a beagle

  13. I just got a Pomeranian! I adore her! She is really fluffy and soo cute! Here's a picture of what Pomeranians look like! Hope you find the dog that's right for you! :)

  14. Either-

    Staff- There The Sweetest dogs you can get. Ive got one hes a boy and hes 19 months old. There very peaceful bu very playful if given the time of day the thing i've noticed with staffs is that they are very loyal it's like the first time i took my dog of the lead when we were at for a walk he was walking infrontt of me but kept on looking back to make sure i was alright (aww!) i felt i could put my heart or and sould in to him but they are very hard to keep still there always on the go. The down side about staffs is that if they are ignored for long they have a bad habbit to howl and howl and howl in the end you feel bad and decide to play with them. So set your staff some boudrys!! LOOL = ]

    If your looking for a dog thats quite small andcalmer maybe a pug is for you?

    Pug- My friend has a pug called reggie he is tiny but almost 3 years old! He likes to be stroked a lot but is very inderpendent. but very ugly so if you want a dog that every says how cute dont go with a pug! ;]

    Hope This Helps! xo

  15. Def. Peek-a-poo! They are adorable and very smart! He learned lay-down in 10 minutes and not even a year old. Pretty easy to potty train but make sure you give treats everytime he potties until he get the idea. ...... that is a picture of mine!

  16. juck russel :)

  17. For me, the best breed is the Scottish Collie...they are beautiful, they are super intelligent, they are loving and loyal to the family, polite yet aloof with others (so no jumping all over guests!), they are large and active, lots of long walks...I love my Collie.

    But, what I suggest you do is some research on various breeds.  They are all so different and without knowing your life situation it is really hard to say what breed would be best for you.

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