
What is the best drink for someone who is..?

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hormonal and bitchy that needs cheering up for no reason other than that they are female? thanks. i was advised to have a drink for medicinal purposes today.. ;);_ylc=X3oDMTE1MmI4N2IyBF9TAzIxMTU1MDAxMTgEc2VjA2Fuc19ub3QEc2xrA3N1YmplY3Q-;_ylv=3?qid=20080724094024AAL4orJ

can be anything, gin, vodka, rum, wine, sparkling wine, cocktails, whatever. anything but brandy, whiskey or tequila, ouzo, sherry, jagermeister, or sambuca - dont have those otherwise im pretty well supplied. lol




  1. chocolate is always good:) ...... Godiva makes a wonderful chocolate liqueur .....or something with creme de cacao

  2. Drinking without some other activity may not be your best answer. Alcohol is a depressant...if you are truly in a negative "trough", maybe you could try the age old remedy of doing something really physical. Go walk, stretch, dance to music, punch a pillow, get romantic - anything that means you are making your body move. The endorphins will help your mood tremendously. After that, how about planning a really good meal made of your comfort foods - buy it, make it or go out to eat it and then have one glass of wine or any one drink that appeals to you at the time. Drink a huge amount of water. The water intake actually helps with the bloating. Think about good things

  3. Gin and Tonic. Might make you cry later tho.- "Nobody likes my hair!"   etc...

  4. a half of shandy.

  5. if you are thinking of a drink on a daily/bi-daily basis, red wine is great to help calm oneself, good for the blood and warms you on cold days.

  6. This ones my pick me upper

    500ml rasberry soda

    250ml sprite

    A btl red wine

    mix and serve over crushed ice and sliced apples

    but if its pms avoid alcohol

  7. Grab yourself a tall glass, toss in a shot (or two) of rum and a can of vanilla coke. Repeat as necessary until the hormonal bitchies have gone away. (works for me once a month!) If that fails, grab a lortab or vicadin. You may still be hormonal and bitchy, but you just won't give a d**n!

  8. Champagne! Celebrate for no reason at all. It's fun!

  9. Intercourse is best.

    Give the Drinks to him first though as he might need it to counter the verbal abuse.

  10. sounds like a long island night to me.

  11. Apple Juice.

  12. I'd say a Cosmopolitan or a strawberry daquiri! They're both pretty, yummy and girly.  I usually don't like girly drinks but these always make me feel better :)

  13. shots!!!!!!

    strawberry dequiri

    long island

    incredible hulk

    pina colada

    rasberry vodka with redbull


    girl just keep on ordering anything one you drink a couple shots or drinks you wont be able to tell the difference

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