
What is the best & easy way to pass examination?

by Guest56662  |  earlier

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Hi all, I just want to get over any examination without any hard work. u may b getting my point. frankly i mean is therer any way to pass directly by any type of "setting"




  1. No shorst cuts.Study hard and study smart.

  2. Well i have photo graphic memory witch helps me alot

    get a tutor maybe or ask your teacher

  3. study!

  4. it might be to study im not sure yet

  5. You are being lazy.  The Harder that you work while in school the easier you will have it in the future.  You need to suck it up and really study while you can.

  6. There's no easy to pass any exam, only by cheating.  But if  you're too lazy to study for an exam, I'd hate to see how and what you'll turn out in the future.

  7. and attitude

  8. pay attention in class, and you're set

    i never study, ever

  9. Dont approach examination as an event; instead make this as a daily routine, by understanding the concepts taught to you daily.  You have two approaches for the exams,

    a) Learn by Mugging up

    b) Learn by grasping things taught to you.

    Instead of the former, try practising the latter, which should come more handy and exams will no more be a mental blockade nor you need to really work hard.

    Good luck!

  10. You have to study. You can't do good without it.

    There is no easy way unless you have a photoographic memory..

    Or you could cheat. But thats not advisable..

  11. Study or take help of your teacher or

    put a cheque inside the answer paper with your contact number. lol

  12. I am just finishing my exams now.

    First of all you will get no where without hard work. No where in life...

    You will regret not doing the work when you are sat in that exam not knowing what the h**l is on your question paper.

    A few things I did before my exam were:

    A Big healthy breakfast before hand.

    A Good nights sleep.

    When you are in the exam and before it has started get in the correct mental state - when you first start your adrenalin will be running and you may not answer the first questions to the best of your ability.

    Make sure you go back to the beginning of the paper once you are done to re-answer those questions (See above paragraph).  


    "Fail to prepare, prepare to FAIL".

  13. STUDY

  14. I was wondering the same thing

  15. prioritize

  16. My friend, If you have studdied hard, you should have no problem.  If your worried about failure, Don't.  without a little failure you can't succed.  If you don't try, you wont know.  If you don't take this axam, you'll only regret it later on in life.

  17. don't think about setting, just think about study. study will help u

  18. um.. cheating is definitely the easiest way.. really risky though.. i suggest spending a couple hours taking your most important **** from your notes and just readin over it.. maybe make yourself a little quiz haha.. i have the same problem.. something worth a chunk of my mark due monday.. trying to find an easy way out! ..there kind of isn't.. just don't leave your **** until last minute!

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