
What is the best/ effective stategies for students with LD?

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What do you think is the common problem for student with LD? Thanks




  1. *multi-disciplinary approach to reading

    *cursive writing (believe or not - use D'Neilian letter formations)

    *Touch Math techniques have helped many of my students because there is a planned method for solving all operations

    *reading aloud works for many

    *direct instruction

    *repetition, repetition, repetition of everything you want to learn

    some need to write it down, some need a picture, some need to physically experience something (like sky-writing with your arm) - decide what works best for you then use that strategy to learn new information

  2. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix.  An ld student learns in a different way.  The most effective way to teach that particular student will be found through trial and error.  There are so many types of learning disabilities and even the best way to work with one type of disability won't work with each student that has that ld.  It's trial and error.

    It helps to know the different styles of learning.  Howard Gardner invented the theory of multiple intelligences.  Basically each student learns best in a certain way: some learn best through physical movement, some listening, some seeing, etc.  Finding out what a student's best learning style is will help tremendously, even if he/she isn't LD.

    There is an assessment for learning styles: Myers Briggs Inventory.  Look it up.

  3. explicit instruction strategies and programs like Direct Instruction. you can find the materials at

  4. Every student learns differently and a strategy that works for one student won't necessarily work for another.  Some learners learn through hands on materials, some learn by watching, some learn by reading, the list goes on and on.  As to the common problem, something in the brain is just wired a little differently than most people and their ability to process information is impaired.  

    -S (special ed. teacher)

  5. there are different LDs-so different probolems

    multisnesory approached help with some

    like Orton Gillingham/Wilson Reading

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