
What is the best energy saving electricity?

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What is the best to have??? and why???

-Solar Power

-Hydro Power


-Wind power

-OR geothermal




  1. well.. it depends on where you live.. if you live in florida like me than solar is the way to go, butt lets say you live where it rains alot or its cloudy alot you may want wind... it all depends on where you live

  2. Space based solar is the best all around answer but it needs to be supplemented by nuclear for more reasons than I can answer here. Problem is when he was president Jimmy Carter at the prompting of the big oil companies put in place a series of presidential decrees that banned space based solar and crippled nuclear to the point it became to expensive to use economically. One of these orders prevented recycling any nuclear material and forcing it to be stored forever until it rots away.

    Yes nuclear fuel rods lose their power because a skin forms on them kind of like rust that lowers their efficiency. The rods can be sent through a recycling process that removes this nuclear rust and the rods becomes as good as when new. Then the rust can be collected for making new rods that are even more powerful than the original fuel rods were, this rust is called plutonium and can be either made into bombs or high power reactors. Right now we are using our fuel rods for only a short period and throwing them away.

    What Jimmy Carter did with that presidential order would be like you buying precharged ni-cad batteries and no charger, using them once and throwing them away. His order makes about that much sense and so nuclear fuel rods that are good for a hundred thousand years if recycled properly are wastefully scrapped after 10 or 12 years of service when the plutonium skin lowers their efficiency a little. And his order on preventing space based power plants from being built through cutting back the space program makes even less sense when you realize that this country would be the worlds largest exporter of low cost electricity today. Instead we are the world’s largest importer of oil to produce very costly electricity instead, dumb, very dumb indeed. Thank you Jimmy Carter for the problems in the middle east, the boom and bust bubble economy, and the energy crisis that is breaking our economic backs.

  3. Solar because its in excess in equatorial regions.

    And can be used easily by solar cells

  4. First,lets see briefly what is the good and bad side of each of your option.

    -Solar Power

    Turning solar energy into electricity

    Good:Unlimited supply,won't finish until the Sun dies

    Bad :Require Sun to generate electricity,if let say one day is total cloudy/dark place it will generate less electricity/no electricity.

    -Hydro Power

    Turning the potential energy/flow of water to turn the turbine whoch generate the elctricity

    Good:Clean,less pollute the environment.

    Bad:Gives a massive impact to the ecosystem and the land.Refer here:;...


    When rubbish decompose,it will create Methane which is a type of gas which are fuel could be use for cooking and so on...

    Good:Turning rubbish into useful stuff,easy to get(in large scale and amount)

    Bad:Require a quite big land and without proper management,toxic liquid produced by the decomposition of the rubbish would pollute the environment.

    -Wind Power

    Turning movement of the air to electricity.

    Good:Totally environmental friendly!

    Bad:Require a continuous movement of air/wind.

    So,as you could see,all of them above posses good and bad and think again,most of them rely on where is the location of the power plant.Let say for solar power,most suitable place is desert while wind power most suitable for open ocean.

    Conclusively,there still has not a best energy producing method,it depend on the location of the generator.But it you still want the answer,maybe wind power because as you know in the city,air is forced to rise when it thit the building.That movement of air could be a potential and other country side also can install this feature since air flow quite smoothly over there.Plus,it is ecofriendly!

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