
What is the best entry level GPS for use on a lake?

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What is the best entry level GPS for use on a lake?




  1. A Garmin brand seems to be more user friendly for a person who has never used one. Most all Garmins will do the job, but I found that the better a unit you get, the easier it is to use as many more features are automatic. I have a Garmin Map 76s. They make the same one now but I think it is the Map 76c ( C = Colored ) You can get More for your money if you buy your first one on eBay and get a good used upgraded model as I said they are much easier to use. Also Garmin web site has the instruction book on line if you need it. Another thing I did when I bought my first one was to go to Wal Mart and buy it. You can play with it for 90 days and if you do not like it, bring it back. That way you can try different ones and do your own comparison. I use mine to relocate fishing holes and also I long line for crawfish and hide my lines underwater and mark them on the GPS. Works great and nobody can find mt traps hidden beneath the surface. Also look up It is a great way to learn how to use GPS. A fun game that is world wide now where someone hides things in your area and you find them, take a item ( Treasure ) and leave a item in its place.. Good luck

  2. I would say the very simple geko, by garmin, its waterproof, WAAS enabled, meaning you can pick up more satellites for better accuracy, plus it allows you to set way points.

  3. Definetly Garmin. All the 76 series are very good, float and water proof. Good battery life also.

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