
What is the best everyday Tea is it the one the monkeys drink?

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What is the best everyday Tea is it the one the monkeys drink?




  1. The Monkeys were Chimpanzees.

  2. Had to  be PG tips,no other tea will do

  3. It's Pg Tips.

  4. PG Tips

  5. the monkey drinks PG Tips but i think there a bit strong i prefer decaf from tetley

  6. Nope, it's Yorkshire tea, they even have a variety in case you live in hard water areas.

  7. My favourite is Yorkshire Tea.

    We had some workmen here yesterday and I had to write down the name for them to take home for their wives.

    The monkey tea is P.G. Tips.

  8. tetley extra strong

  9. PG Tips are the best, the pyramid ones

  10. Yeah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PG tips is No1 seller....

  11. Nuwara-eliya is the best for iced tea.

    Dimbula Kandy or Ruhina with Milk.

    Ceylon tea is the best.

  12. i like tetleys best the last lot of pg tips i got tasted of perfume

  13. There are many teas

    Chinese, Indian, Burmese and now Cornish

    There are types for each part of the day and hundreds that have medicinal properties

    I like Fairtrade Indian through the day and Lemon in the evening.  A summer afternoon in the garden is perked up with some Earl Grey, a good one.

  14. typhoo if you want proper refreshment, yeah pg is quite good better than tetley.

  15. let me give you some monkey advice on that one...

    PG tips


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