
What is the best excersise for a flat stomache?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to lose weight to look and feel better, but i'm having trouble and i feel really discouraged. my big thing is belly fat. so, what excersise should i do to get rid of it?

please help. : )




  1. Hi,

    You should follow a flourishing muscle instructor in correlation to building muscle. The best is Vince del Monte and I suggest you go to:  

    There you will find valuable information in correlation to building muscle.

    We Frequently have been fed right down a fraud programs about the subject.

    Warm regards,

  2. Bellydancing. OR something called hip hop abs.

    These target the stomach specifically.

    To the point that it becomes the most sweaty and heated part of your body.

    Both work really well!

    I tried, trust me.

    And I still do it to this day. It works wonders for me, and it can do the same for you. and its fun to do!

    Try it, you'll like it.    ;)

    and if all else fails and your willing to spend some money, try this place:

    It makes promises almost too good to be true.

    It might work for you. good luck

  3. Walk or run it off.  The best way is to do cardio and exercise more then you eat.

  4. Try doing crunches on a soccer ball, or 5-second sit ups, or tighten your abs when you walk up stairs.  Mix it with cardio

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