
What is the best excuse of not lending a computer game to a friend?

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My friend always beg for my computer game and borrows for a long time because he doesn't have a single computer game and am sick of letting him borrowing my games. What is the best excuse?




  1. just be real and say its annoying how he borrows for a long time

    make him do your chores!

  2. Tell him you want to play it.  

  3. it broke,its scratched,too advanced for his pc,his pc too advanced,i dont trust u,i dont trust any1,i lost it,its stuck in my comp,it takes 3 days to install,sry i dont want to let u borrow it!there!there like 15!

  4. say your old friend broke 3 of your games so now your dad wont let u lend ANY games out to anyone now.

  5. tell them that the game need CD to run and you cant lend it since you are a die hard fan of that game, or tell him that a virus is in the CD, or tell them that you have packed all your CD's because of exam's or to stop extreme gaming.[your situation is like me, but my friends never return my CD's they are !@##%^]

  6. I find honesty works best in situations like that. I have a similar friend who liked to borrow movies from me but then took -forever- getting them back to me. Now I won't loan him any more movies and I told him why not and he seemed to understand and we're still friends. Good luck.

  7. say :

    ..cant find it..

    if he doesnt believe you say:

    fine dont believe me but im not letting you borrow it

  8. I had a friend like that... (Not the word HAD not HAVE :P)

    Erm, say something like you were carrying all the computer games to your cousins and slipped and then all the games fell into a pond and you are very sad...?

    Or, tell him that the games won't work on his computer.

    Or just tell him he can't borrow them.

    You could buy him a game for his birthday or christmas. Maybe that would shut him up?

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