
What is the best excuse on not lending your games to your friend?

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What is the best excuse on not lending your games to your friend? My friend always borrow my games for a long time because he doesn't have a single computer game. I have been using "I lost it." alot and now he says "Why do you lose every single computer game?" If I say "You can't." He will always say "Why?" then I say "Because." then he will say "Because what?" and I will say "Becuase my mum won't let me." (even though my mum doesn't care if I let him borrow) and he never stops asking questions! Keeps saying why? why

? why? why? What is better excuse?




  1. just say to him no because it is my game and i do not want it broken see its easy as 123

  2. "sorry dude lost a few games that way and my dad doesn't allow it anymore...." ? or just say its a B-day gift from your family!

  3. Tell him that he can play the games when he comes to your house but can not take them out of your house.Just say that you don't want to part from your games for a long time.Or bargain with him by borrowing something else from him. You could also try to charge him a small borrowing fee or tell him to borrow from a game place.

  4. either i lost it or my cousin has got it those excuses are like bars of gold work every time

  5. just say my mum wont et me because they have been brought by family members and you dont want them getting lost.  your mum wont let you because she dosent want her money going to waste

  6. say, "dude.. can you please just buy your own games.." if you, the owner bought the games with money you earned then tell your friend "dude can you just earn the money like what i do.. so you can own  your own games.."

  7. Tell him you can't lend them out anymore as it leaves you with nothing to play with, tell him you are more than happy to swap however, then he will either have to get something to swap with you, or let it go. x

  8. I have the same problem.

    I just say I'll give it to you when I complete it.

    And then about 2 days later they leave me alone.

    But if that doesn't work I always use the excuse. I let someone else borrow it.

    Yes!! Actually thats a good one

    Say you let other people borrow them

    They can't ask why

    Coz u can just say coz they're ur games and u can let any1 borrow them.

    And he can't demand the game coz U won't have it (Wel you will but he won't know that xD)

    Trust me that always works

    My cousin buys it all the time

  9. Just tell him that you don't have that game he is asking for or tell him that he always borrows it for a very long time that's why you don't want to lend it to him. I hope this helps you.  

  10. They're my games, and I don't want them getting scratched or anything, cause loads of them are rare.

    Just lie. =P

  11. oh my gosh!tell him 2 shut the **** up

    u can do without him

  12. If the game does not require a disk to be played. Say that you broke or your mom thought it was broke and threw it away ...and hide the disk. If it requires the disk to be played then the same excuse will work but make sure he doesnt see you playing that game.

    If you are a bit more blunt than just say Because you borrow EVERYTHING. That might cause and arguement but just explain how he cannot depend on you for his gaming and should if he likes gaming so much get his own games to play. As a friend it isnt your responsibility to be his rental store. borrowing a game from time to time is ok but not all the time.

    If you take the second approach  then i would explain something along those lines

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