
What is the best excuse to get out of work for a week?

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I was thinking a funeral...far away...




  1. The funeral one is only good for about 3 days max.  I don't think they let you go longer.  How about a sprained ankle.  You don't know if you broke a bone or not.  You are limping around and it takes about a week for it to get better.  You know what they say, a sprain is worse than a break.  It hurts really badly and you can't put your foot straight without it really hurting. Its your right foot so you can't drive the car to work.  What a drag to lose time at work!!!  Poor you.  LOL   It works, I've used it myself.  Good for at least a few book offs down the road too because the ankle is now weakened.  Enjoy your week off.

  2. dont listen to that dumb ***. everyone needs some time off. i would go for the funeral, most jobs have a three day period, but if not its still a good excuse. and yes out of state is good.... they dont need to know the details. and they cant ask you either.

  3. How about Glandular Fever (or mono i think they call it in America, dont know where you are)...that makes you sick for a while.

    Or you could say you had relatives come over from overseas and you want to take a week off to see them because they are so old they will never come see you again/they brought the new baby, something like that.  

  4. Your boss can ask for verification of the death and the funeral.  

    If you don't have vacation time accrued, talk to your boss privately and ask if you can take an unpaid week off to take care of personal business (such a nice, non-descriptive phrase).  They don't have to grant you the time off.  And if you're "taking care of family matters" and the boss or a coworker runs into you at Disneyland or out fishing, he'll know you've lied to him and taken advantage.  

    I worked in a company with 400 employees in 5 states, and one of our guys from Indiana headquarters went to Las Vegas for vacation.  While there, he saw a manager from a New York office a couple of times, then he saw the New York guy again at the airport.  They didn't talk; in fact the New York guy hadn't seen him.  But first day back in the office, the Indiana guy is at a speakerphone for a conference call with several managers, including New York guy, and NY guy's vice president is sitting at the conference table in Indianapolis.  

    Yep, you guessed it.  The guy who had legitimately been on vacation made a comment in front of everyone, something like, "I saw you a couple of times in Vegas last week.  Sorry I couldn't catch up with you.  How was your trip?"

    New York Guy was supposed to be with his mother while she had surgery in Boston the previous week.  At least, that was the story he told his vice president for needing extra time off.

    I can't count the times my husband and I have gone on vacation and run into someone we know.  Think real hard about the risk you're taking if you decide to lie to the boss.

  5. You request a week off, simple. Don't lie about it, just work this week and then let your employer know that you want to take a week off. Besides I doubt you are the VP where they need you to be there everyday of the week.

  6. tell your boss you have the chicken pox

  7. You need to request personal time and you do not have to offer any more explanation than that.

  8. You should ask for time off for personal reasons.  It's honest.

  9. I would just go to work anyway. A lot of people would love to have a job right now that can't find one. Be thankful you are receiving a paycheck no matter what amount it is. If you are unhappy at your job then look for another job but don't quit until you find a new one.

  10. A real death is a permanent solution to this small problem. Faking your own death is illegal. If you meant GOING to a funeral, unless you were, I don't encourage you to lie.

    Why not just ask for the week off and tell your boss why you need the week? If they choose to fire you over that, then find another job.

  11. Sickness of grand father will be an ideal excuse

  12. If you respect your job and bosses so little to make up a complete lie just to get out of work for a week do everyone a favor and just quit.

    Get another job when you grow up.


    To my immature friend "j_maduena".  I agree everyone deserves some time off.  That's why those of us out of high school get jobs that have paid vacation and/or sick time.  If you haven't worked at a company long enough to be eligible, most companies allow workers to switch shifts to get the time off they need for personal business.  If that's not an option and someone wants to take time off just for no particularly important reason thats pretty lame.  Being a mature responsible adult means accepting responsibility and honoring commitment.  Maybe they haven't covered that in the grade your in.


    As someone who has employed hundreds of people over the years, it's pretty rare, if in fact unheard of for me to turn down an honest and earnest request from a hardworking and trusted employee, whether they are fairly new and/or have the vacation time available or not.  I realize not all bosses are fair and flexible, but that's the great thing about a free country;  I can quit and find one who is.


    If your time off is for a job interview I would still be honest with your boss.  After all the prospective new employer may call them for a reference and mention you just interviewed.

    Tell your boss you love working there (even if you don't) but that you are looking to relocate to a different city for xxxx reasons and that this is the only opportunity you have to travel and interview.  Tell them you are willing to work alternate days to make up the work or cover someone who can work your shift.  If they are going to lose you anyway, and you won't be there to cover the shift anyway, they'll appreciate the heads up.

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