
What is the best exercise for body and mind fitness?

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What is the best exercise for body and mind fitness?




  1. I would say s*x

  2. s*x...Love honey

  3. Chinese TAi chi try lah

  4. i would also agree on s*x and yoga,, but for me, marathon/long distance running is the best,, coz it teaches you to push your limits.

    Runnning is like playing with your mind, the stronger your mind is, the longer and the faster you can run,, also meditation helps.  

  5. sholat.

  6. solat ...(for muslim)

  7. If combo. both physical body & spiritual/emotions for mind then it's exercise like yoga, pilates, tai chi, wing chun (a type of kung fu) is good.

    All these form of exercises focus on healing the body, enabling the body & mind to move right & breath right at the same time involve some meditating.

    Yoga - I'm sure you've seen many examples in the entertainment and sports industry.

    The famous amous tai chi practitioner, Jet Li. He's been doing tai chi for decades.

    While for wing chun - aah our Datuk Michelle Yeoh's into this. She took it up before getting married & while just started to enter the entertainment industry.

    The former drug addict actor, Robert Downey Jr. contribute wing chun kung fu as part of his steps to kick his addiction.

  8. go for a vocation.

  9. main bunga

  10. yoga, sholat, tai chi and do some simple problem solving such as puzzle, riddle, sudoku, chess and so on..

  11. yamming!

    p/s : also dangerous to your eyes

  12. yoga

  13. s*x

  14. meditation

  15. Tai Chi...

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