
What is the best exercise to reduce back pain?

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What is the best exercise to reduce back pain?




  1. bump that, get a good back massage that will work.

  2. It depends on the source of the pain.  If you're overweight, then aerobics to help lose the weight to lessen the back strain.  If muscle problems due to weak or strained muscles, then back and stomach/ab strengthening exercises.  If bone or nerve problems, then you need to see a doctor.

    I would suggest visiting a back specialist, starting with a good chiropractor (some are quacks who claim cures for everything, but many are high quality back specialists) to find the source of your problem and define the best approach for you.

  3. Lateral pulldown and push-ups are the best!

    But the result is even better, if you are wearing a SACROILIAC BELT around your pelvis. (Not a lumbar belt!)

    What it does is that by providing the correct balance of resistance and resilience, the SI belt re-establishes the joint’s normal motion,  thus relieves stress and instability at these weight bearing structures. The price of SI belts are in reasonable range these days, average cost is about $40 USD. I know a lot of people who wear SI belts, and I've read some astonishing testimonials about it. There are many  si belts out there, but Serola SI Belt seems to be the best one as far as quality, comfort, and price are considered. Check out their website for more:

    I think you buy directly from their website at:

    Hope it helps, good luck to your workout!

  4. I have back pain.... have seen many specialists and was on the verge of having surgery.... I used to love to run... but the specialists have all agreed it's horrible on my back... they all suggested Yoga to strenghten my core.  I didn't think it'd do much b/c it doesn't "look" like hard work.... I'm glad I tried it b/c it is a great way to exercise and the stretches are great for your back.  

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