
What is the best experience you have had naked or nude?

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Don't include anything connected with s*x. Just when you were in the nude. If possible, include photographs of you.




  1. What a brilliant question

    Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well  i don't remember but i think i have faced one time while taking shower. but not fully naked

  2. i woke up one morning, opened my ground floor window. i could hear the birds chirping and the bees buzzing.  then next thing i know i looked down and a cute little deer...bambi, or his sister, was suckin ma wang!  oh WOW! im gonna start turning to beastiality.  I popped a money shot all over his/her face.  ....true story

  3. Being in a hot tub .... mmmmm .... nothing finer .....

    Of course, there's lots of other things, but you've asked us to be discreet about them.

  4. Probably swimming at the lake on a hot, sunny day. If you think sunshine on your shoulders feels good, try having it on your whole body.

  5. I was dying my hair one night and always open the small window to let the air in. I took my tank top off because I had hair dye all over it and now was topless.I kept hearing this "whoo hoo" several times. I swore that it was impossible for any one to see me and shut the window. The next day I went  out side to see if you could see threw the window. I noticed there was a 3 feet palm tree stub next to our fence. I never new I was that attractive being plus size and all!

    Sorry I do not take nude photos k?

  6. no photos, but i ran around my house nude and fell down and cracked some nuts, ouch !

  7. It was raining outside. I was alone in my room and had just taken shower. I opened the window when i just had the towel on. The strong wind blew away the towel. Cool breeze and rain drops felt so nice on my body. It was such a exciting and natural feeling.

  8. came home from a 4 day music festival where I hadn't washed for the whole time.

    Getting in the shower was...............bliss :o)

  9. Get A Life

  10. huh??? Ewwww harish... babe thats a strange question lol And "plz include photos if you can"???? Ok does anyone elso think thats weird or is that just me?

  11. Actually, the first time being naked with friends is the most memorable. Part of the lot where we lived was across a brook and shielded from view by trees. We had an area there that was very private and we kept it mowed. A friend was over visiting one day with his wife and the 4 of us were playing badminton. We played for a while and I guess he decided to liven up the game. He deliberately hit the birdie over the girls heads and when they both turned to chase after it he dropped his pants (both his shorts and underwear). When they turned back around, there he was, naked from the waste down. I didn't know what to think. The girls looked at one another and then started to laugh.  He then pulled up his pants and suggested playing strip badminton. Every time you missed you had to take something off. But the rules didn't stop there. The way we played was that we kept playing until we were all nude.  It was really a beautiful thing 4 young folks in their mid 20s playing badminton au naturel.

    This experience opened my eyes to a whole new life and the realization that nude does not have to be s**y, it can just be beautiful and natural. There was never anything sexual between us as couples.

    We had another experience with the same couple while camping out in Utah. I don't remember exactly where the campground was but they advertised that they had hot showers. It was just after Labor Day and most of the vacationers had gone home. There was one other camping group besides us. After we set up camp we all went to take our showers. It was after dark. The girls went into the women's room and the guys into the men's room. We didn't find any showers let alone hot showers. After coming back out we looked around and there was a wall with showers on it. It was right out in the open under a street light. And sure enough they were hot showers!  Seems the showers were meant for showering after swimming in the salt water pond. We looked at each other and looked around and commenced to strip naked and took our showers together right there. The six of us, my friend and his wife and my wife and me and our 2 young children, a boy age 5 and a girl age 4.  This was one of the more daring things that we've done.

    I do have photos but not of these events.

    [Sure wish Spikeit would share the location with me for that nude hike.]

  12. My wife and I went to a nudist club when they had a 80s weekend.

    The music was great, but the weather was awesome.

    We were there all day and did everything we wanted.

    Swimming, walking, few drinks for the pool bar and grill.

    Play some darts, frizbee, met new friends.

    Just a wonderful day.


  13. I don't think you want any pictures of me in the nude. They are all *** shots anyway.

  14. Just being nude is cool when i come home i shed the clothes as soon as the front door closes


  15. I don't remember exactly but just the messes from my memories, long years before may be 20 or 19 years before when I was a kid, I really had a nice experience playing with people those who love me!!  well why do u wanna know that?

  16. Taking a shower?

  17. I've had so many great experiences in the nude it is hard to find any one that I'd consider the best.  My college roommate, who was raised in a nudist family, began sleeping in the nude when we shared a dorm and I followed suit.  From there I began getting more comfortable with being naked around her and we generally always went nude when we were in the room.

    The spring of my freshman year, when the weather started to warm up, my roommate took me to a nude beach for the first time.  It was a little weird feeling at first, but it didn't take long for me to feel comfortable taking off my bikini and I haven't looked back since.  Since that started it all for me, I guess I could call that my best experience.

    I just got back from an annual nudist weekend that I do with a few girlfriends every summer.  We go up to the mountains to a remote area that we know about to hike and camp nude for three or four days.  Since we have never seen a single other person on this trip we decided this year to leave all of our clothes, except for fleece jackets (in case it got cold) and rain gear (there is a very fine line between a fun naked romp in the rain and hypothermia), in the car this year.  It was quite an exciting feeling to know that I had pretty much nothing to cover up with for the whole four days, especially since this year we saw a couple of other people hiking at a distance (although I don't think they saw us and, if they did, they probably couldn't tell we were naked).  Since this was the first time I was somewhere without any clothing (except for two jackets) nearby it was certainly one of the most thrilling nudist experiences I've yet to have.

    Sorry, though, no photos.  Although I don't mind friends taking photos of me while I'm nude, I never post those pictures anywhere public--too many bad things can happen as a result of that.

  18.'re a freak. :[

  19. A few years ago, I guess I was 25 or so.

    It was Christmas. Our family ( my husband, me and my daughter) made it first to my parents house where we were all supposed to meet to celebrate.

    And my parents left to pick up my brother and his girl from the airport.

    I didn't expect them back for a couple of hours.

    So my husband was out in the backyard when I decided to take a shower.

    When I was done, I realized that as always I for got to bring a towel with me, so I just went to the laundry room wet and naked to get a fresh towel.

    To everyones surprised I met the whole family in the hallway.

    They were already back from the airport because the plane arrived early.

    For a second everyone was just quiet and staring at each other, well I was staring at them and they all at me.

    My father, my mother, my brother, his girlfriend and of course our old neighbor who stopped by when he saw the family arrive, he remembered my brother and I  when we were still kids. I've grown since then. He just said "Hi Kelsi"

    I remember that moment very well.

    Because - what do you do...

    I guess it wasn't necessarily the best occurrence, but definitely a memorable one

    So how do I attach a picture here?

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