
What is the best explanation for the kind of work done by the leakeys?

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  1. As long as you're cheating anyway, you ought to tell them that the Leakeys were un-Christian evolutionists who denied the hand of God in the creation of mankind, and that your church forbids you from studying anything of this sort.  

    And God's Will is stated in Deut 22:11.  

  2. He was a Paleontologist and that is one who studies life in previous geological eras.  Fossils are there main source of discovery.  For instance, in Africa he found a small female skeleton which he named Lucy.  From this skeleton he could deduce how large these pre-humanoids were, when they existed and things like that.

  3. Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey and their son, Richard Leakey were all anthropologists.  Anthropology has three general subdivisions - Cultural anthropology, Physical anthropology and Archeology.  The Leakeys were all Physical anthropologists.  Physical anthropology is a study of the evolution of the bone structure of man and what can be deduced about how early man lived based on those changes in the human frame.

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