
What is the best eye Shadow??

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and how i can use it perfectly ??




  1. Beauty Tips for womens and teens with great fashion along with makeup tips.When you say BEAUTY, it is your good looks. It means your fitness, the glow of your skin, face, hair and your dressing.

  2. To me the best kind of eye shadow is one from 'Napoleon'

    You can use it perfectly by applying it with a brush that was made for the eye socket. If you don't know which brush, you should ask those who work at the place.

  3. MAC for diverse colors

    Urban Decay for its amazing rich pigments and intensity

  4. It depends on what shades and how much you want to spend. If you ask in boots or any shop that sells make-up the consultant should help you decide. I use number 7's but that £9.50 for 3 but if you just want one for cheap try natural collection or 17! these ones are around £3. hope this helped xxxxxx

  5. try MAC eyeshadow

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