
What is the best fantasy season for an RB over 30?

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Has there ever been an RB over 30 finish in the top 10 fantasy backs? I am really talking about the fantasy football era here so let's say 1999 to present.

Last year Edgerrin James was 29 and finished #9 by ESPN standard scoring. But in my recollection there hasn't been an RB over 30 finish in the top 10. Am I wrong about this?




  1. Curtis Martin's 2004 season at age 31.

    1,697 Yards, 12 TDs, 41 receptions, 245 yards receiving with 2 TDs.

    I'll have to look to see where he ranked in the Top 10, but if memory serves he was #2 or #3 in fantasy points among RBs that season.

    He also had a 4.6 YPC average.  Incredible for a back over 30...

  2. watch out for fred taylor, he will be the man this year

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