
What is the best fertilizer to improve fruit development particularly durian fruitlets.?

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What is the best fertilizer to improve fruit development particularly durian fruitlets.?




  1. If you are planting young trees cover the hole with soil-manure mixture and press gently the surface of the soil.

         Plant and see that the tree gets plenty water, planting during the rainy season is recommended.

        Apply as basal 50 grams (5 tbsp.) of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) or based on soil analysis and cover with thin layer of soil.

      After planting,  in the absence of soil analysis apply fertilizer with NPK ratio of 12-4-7 at 100gm per tree for the first five years. Increase application progressively to 4kg per tree during the 12th year.  The links below will give you a more detailed look at the needs of durian fruitlets.

  2. Durian grows in South East Asia where the soil is very fertile volcanic soil.

    As such you want fetilizer rich in nutients. The best stuff for this may be old fashioned blood&bone (compost mixed with chicken blood and bone).

    South East Asia is also high in rainfall, and so you would need water all the time, blood&bone holds water retalively easily, making it good for this, however you may have to top up a handfull of fertilizer once every 3 months to replace the leeched nutrients due to so much water.

    Dont use those fancy fertilizers, as they usually just provide potassium and ammonia, which while good for growth, is low on other nutrients such as sulphur, manganese, and carbon. Alll of which Durian will need lots of.

    if the leaves colour yellow, like a seasonal tree, then your fertilizer is not good.... go to your local nursury and ask for a better one.

    The best fertilizers do cost extra... generally the more expensive the better.

  3. You try to spray the growth regulators to develop the fruits especially 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). You spray it while before the flowers season and also while the flowers are bud stage.

  4. Durian likes acid soils and needs to be mulched especially in the hot dry weather to conserve moisture and keep roots cooler. The fertilizer requirements are for a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) but one needs to also provide for micro nutrients, as with all plants they are important for the proper metabolism of macro nutrients. Bird guano, seaweed (composted and as a mulch) and rock phosphate (especially well before flowering) will give a great balance of organic fertilizer if you wish to stay away from chemicals. Other things are available so check what you have in your location. Dry chicken manure with a little rock phosphate is good if you are away from the ocean.

  5. some form of phosphate

    chemical fertilizers are composed of three main nutrients, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen enhances the growth of leaves, potassium is good for root growth and phosphorus is necessary for flowers and fruit to form. Fertilizers are rated in terms of "N-P-K". Try and get something around 15 - 30 - 30.

  6. ohh you should use the "cow dodos" cause that what makes plants grow larger and produce more fruits.

  7. ape sh*t you will need to either buy an ape steal an ape borrow an ape or break into a zoo. If your going to break into the zoo you'll need bananas laced with roofies. make sure to eat before you drive to the zoo if your hungry you may eat some of the laced bananas by accident and get in a car accident.

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